Paul Bauer – Manifestation Secrets – Resource Center
Manifestation Secrets
[20 Audios – MP3, 16 eBooks – PDF]
PLEASE KEEP THIS EXCLUSIVE TO elib!!!!SHARING THIS MATERIAL ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNED!!! This exclusive material is a result of and part of the”Manifestation Secrets” group buy.This Group Buy is still open – pledge now and get whitelisted!!PLEDGE NOW – Secrets – Resource Center Your Life’s Dreams And Passions With Unstoppable Clarity, Focus And Certainty… And Eliminate TheHidden Fears That Hold You BackHere’s some of what you’ll learn in this powerful course: A simple 3 minute exercise that you can do anywhere, anytime that eliminates doubts, fears and uncertainty and shifts your vibrational energy from low to high How to overcome “The Not Enough Effect” and stop its life-draining effect on your career, relationships and your health How focusing on “only on results” causes suffering and heartache (and what to do instead) How the energy of gratitude can be scientifically proven and how to harness its power to create astounding results Why most manifesting methods fail – and a method that works 100% of the time The 3 biggest causes of financial self sabotage (these easily avoidable pitfalls will surprise you) How to eliminate “scarcity mentality” and turn on your “prosperity circuits” and how to prevent energy reversals that compromise your results What to do if the Law of Attraction “isn’t working” for you (in almost every case, there’s a hidden reason why and when you discover it, it will simply amaze you) The proven way (and the wrong way) to create your manifestations – (knowing this single concept will save you days and months of struggle) The two ways of using the Power of Intention – and why one of them always short circuits what you want How to let go of “social hypnosis” of “wanting”, consumerism and “external” effects Are you really ready to have all you want? – or just part of it? How to distinguish “Essence” from “form” and how getting caught up in the world of “form” causes stress and cancels your best intentions How to let go of the attachment to results, and live freely How to escape from the trap of “cause and effect” (waiting for things to show up to feel better and be happy) Why “wanting” and “needing” actually repels what you want – and the specific thing that you can do to align your core energy with what you want and allow it to manifest What is the “DLW” and how can it help you get everything you want in life? Why your feelings are far more powerful than your thoughts – and how to tap into the power of your feelings to create the results you want The one secret that most people are never aware of that will spell the difference between failure and successElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: never (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)
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