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Paul Janka – Secrets Meeting Women Infield

[25 videos (MP4)]



This is exclusive infield videos of Paul Janka using his expertise on the streets. 25 videos.The rest of the membership site is from old products Beyond The Digits and Day Game: Secrets of Dating Woman (Audio).Quote:“Who Else Wants To Learn The Fastest, Easiest,& Most Effective Way To Pick Up GirlsIn 2 Minutes Or Less WITHOUTSpending A Lot Of Time, Money Or Effort?”From: Paul JankaNEW YORK, NYI’ve had sex with 200+ girls and I SWEAR—UNDER OATH—that I can show YOU how to DUPLICATE my success…I know that might be a little hard to believe.But you can be sleeping with SEVERAL women every month too….and if you really want—a few girls per WEEK!How can I make such a promise?…because I’ve taught over 250,000 men how to approach a woman, get her number, and get her in bed QUICKLY—without spending a lot of time, money or effort.And now I’m going to show YOU.If you want to have the power to quickly and EASILY sleep with almost any woman you want…and the confidence that comes with it….then you want to keep reading..One of the most important things for you to realize is…“I Had Mediocre Results WithWomen Most Of My Life”For example, a few years ago, I had NO idea how to pick up a girl.I had a few relationships over the years, which were great—but I really had NO idea what I was capable of. I would go MONTHS without sex, waking up in an empty bed.I felt like all the OTHER guys were “getting the girls,” and I was stuck with whatever girl would take me. I wasn’t getting the hot girls, the fun girls, or the drop dead sexy girls.I would take whatever I could get, never getting the kind of girls I really wanted.But I kept at it and I approached a LOT of women. After THOUSANDS of successes and failures I started to “get it.” I started to boil pick-up down to an exact science.And then…“Then I Discovered That Meeting Girls Quickly Was The Secret To Dating HUNDREDS Of Women!”This was a HUGE epiphany for me.After I started hitting on a lot of girls, I noticed that my most successful interactions (where the girl was really charmed) were the ones that happend QUICKLY.If you hang around for too long and try to convince her that you’re a cool guy and that she should go out with you, you’re going to come off as needy and unattractive.Once I realized this—my game EXPLODED…Pretty soon I was dating 10 to 15 girls A WEEK!I started having sex on a regular basis with extremely attractive women, models, actresses, you name it. And I wasn’t making a huge effort to meet these girls.My technique became so efficient that I could pick up 20 girls in ONE AFTERNOON!And after I perfected my system…“I Became A Legendary New York Pick-Up Artist Completely By Accident”When you start sleeping with a LOT of girls, people take notice.I started getting a lot of phone calls from television producers and journalists, eager to run a sensational story. I was on Dr. Phil, the Today Show, and Fox News.Here I am on Dr. Phil sharing a few “pick-up” tips…In addition to the New York Post article, I was featured in Psychology Today and my advice has been syndicated across the Internet and featured in several magazines.Then…“Guys Across The Country Started Emailing Me”After my appearance on Dr. Phil, I started to get HUNDREDS of emails and phone calls from guys around the country who wanted to learn MY secrets.I started to realize that I wasn’t the only guy in the world who wanted to learn how to pick up women. I realized that almost EVERY guy wants to learn more.So if you’re not already VERY successful with women, it’s NOT YOUR FAULT…Why? Because guys are simply NEVER taught this kind of stuff, while women have MOUNTAINS of magazines, books, television shows and gossipy friends.Plus, 99.999% of all men’s dating advice is DEAD WRONG.In fact, many of the “tips” you’ve gotten about dating can actually make girls run the OTHER way. But many guys do NOTHING to improve their game. They think they should just “be natural” or whatever. Well, I don’t like to leave things to CHANCE.Learning how to pick up women is a skill. A skill that can be learned. And if you have the courage to work on your skills, the rewards can be ENORMOUS!“So I Boiled Everything Down Into A System  ANY Guy Can Use To Get Results FAST”Like I said, becoming good with women is a SKILL. And with any skill, there are VERY SPECIFIC techniques that can help you get to where you want to be. Not only is my system the FASTEST way to meet girls, it’s also the most EFFECTIVE because it’s been perfected over the course of THOUSANDS of interactions.    * My system is the easiest because it takes only 60 seconds.    * My system gets you results because it’s proven to work.    * My system allows you to meet girls anywhere you go.    * My system doesn’t take a long time to learn.    * My system lets you date as many girls as you want.How can it be so effective?Because I’ve thrown out absolutely EVERYTHING that doesn’t work—and I’ve narrowed my approach down to a few critical things you MUST do in order to get the girl.It’s ABSOLUTELY step-by-step and NONE of it is theoretical.So after being emailed by hundreds of guys, I decided to put together a comprehensive program to teach EVERYTHING I know. It’s called, “Secrets To Meeting Women.”And this brand new online training will show you exactly how EASY it is to meet women on a consistent basis—WITHOUT spending a lot of time, money or effort.5 Reasons This Is The Most PowerfulDating Program You Will EVER Come Across    1. Because I meet over 30 women a WEEK (on average) using this method, and my typical student will meet 7 or 8 women a month. Not bad when you consider most guys won’t even meet 30 girls in their lifetime.    2. Because my approach allows you to meet women in UNDER 2 minutes, so you can meet girls during your normal daily routine. When you’re walking down the street, on your coffee break, or at lunch.    3. Because I’ve received HUNDREDS of testimonials from guys who swear that my techniques are the best. (I’ve posted several of them below).    4. Because I’ve approached over 10,000 women, and I know what works. I’ve collected 3,000+ numbers and can show you EXACTLY how it’s done.    5. And because these secrets have worked for THOUSANDS of guys all over the world, and they can work for YOU too, guaranteed…Introducing The“Secrets To Meeting Women”Online Training ProgramI believe this program is the most effective, practical, useful dating advice that a guy can get his hands on. If you want to see real, tangible results with women, this is how to get it.This program is a complete A-to-Z pick-up education.It’s all delivered through my exclusive streaming video membership site and it contains all of my popular guides, audio lessons, in-field footage, and seminar videos.You’ll get CONSISTENT “panty-dropping” results because it’s virtually FOOL-PROOF.LISTEN: I GUARANTEE these techniques will work for you because they’ve worked for thousands of guys all around the world—of all ages, races, and personalities.So if you’re not good with women, this program will make you better. And if you’re already decent, these secrets will break your bed in HALF.You’ll be getting SO much action, your buddies will start begging YOU for tips…Take A Look At What’s Inside The“Secrets To Meeting Women” Program#1: The Attraction Formula Book ($39 Value)Is extremely powerful reading, not just because of the techniques revealed, but because of the perspective you’ll gain. After you’ve gone through the book just once, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the kind of man who has outrageous success with women…#2: The Day Game Audio Program ($97 Value)After you read the book, I recommend you dive into this audio program. It’s all about developing the skills necessary to meet women in a variety of day to day situations. You’ll learn EXACTLY what to say to make a strong impression and get her number. #3: In-Field Video Of Actual Street Pick-Ups ($299 Value)Then you’re going to get actual footage of me picking up women on the street! And when you watch these videos, my confidence will literally be passed on to you. You’ll see exactly how I approach, get her attention, make small talk, and secure the digits.#4: Beyond The Digits: Advanced Workshop ($997 Value)This workshop contains the nitty-gritty little secrets that will allow you to get better, even faster. Everything will become clearer; you’ll understand why and how to use my system so that you can acheive what I did, probably even faster… leading you to mastery.“Here’s A Small Taste Of What You’ll Learn”    * How to engage any woman IMMEDIATELY, even if you don’t know what you’re going to say to her. Meet 10x more women when you know this secret!    * The CORRECT way to pick up an attractive woman so that you make a good impression and increase the odds of getting her number.    * What almost EVERY guy is doing WRONG when he goes out to the bar in hopes of meeting a woman on a Friday or Saturday night.    * Learn to engage women who are “on the job.” Whether they’re secretaries, bartenders, or cops, win her over in an otherwise no “pick-up zone.”    * How to quickly make her WILLING to meet you at your place. Once you master this, sex will come faster and easier with all the girls you meet.    * What you should almost NEVER to say to a woman when you’re asking her for her phone number (if you do this it will SERIOUSLY damage her pride).    * How to create an atmosphere that QUICKLY leads to sex (do this and she’ll practically be ripping YOUR clothes off)!    * The BEST time to pick up a woman so she’ll be MUCH more receptive to chatting with you and giving out her phone number without thinking twice.    * Learn to take the blinders off and meet 10x more women during your daily routine than you could EVER meet at a bar or nightclub.    * How to master the “COLD STOP,” which means picking up a girl who you have no connection with, and bringing her into your sexual reality.    * Develop “mojo” to charm ALMOST any woman, anywhere you go.    * The secret to looking good has more to do with your FASHION SENSE than what you were born with. You’ll get fashion tips that will make women notice YOU!    * How to develop a BULLET-PROOF personality that will allow you to pick up the hottest woman in the room without flinching.    * My sure fire method for guaranteeing that even if a woman FLAKES out on a date—that I’m still getting some ACTION that night.    * How to have fun, playful chat that makes women fall HARD for you.    * When to follow up with a woman so that it feels natural. Follow up too soon and you’ll appear needy—too late and she’ll IGNORE you.    * Learn SUBTLE dynamics of the pick up so that you’ll know exactly what she’s thinking and you can effortlessly number close WITHOUT REJECTION.    * What to do when you get a woman back to your apartment so that she feels COMFORTABLE enough with you to take HER clothes off.    * Discover how to create a SEXUAL connection quickly with a woman so that you don’t end up in the ambiguous and dreadful FRIEND-ZONE.    * How to make the initial approach feel completely SPONTANEOUS. When you apply this secret technique, your pick ups will become smooth and effortless.    * Learn to maintain EQUALITY in the relationship and allow it to play out under your terms so that you maintain balance and chemistry in the relationship.    * The SECRET to feeling cool, calm and collected when you approach girls.    * Get her to HAPPILY fork over her digits in UNDER 2 MINUTES. I’ll share some tips that will make her think about you all day after you get her number!    * Learn to use the immediate environment to your benefit. Once you’ve mastered this, you’ll NEVER be at a loss for words, no matter where you are.    * Hear real life STORIES of my successes AND FAILURES in pick up, including WILD situations I wouldn’t believe if I hadn’t see them with my own eyes.    * And of course, a whole lot more…“10x Your Game OVERNIGHT ByWatching HIDDEN-CAMERA Footage Of MePicking Up Hot Girls On The Street!”To prove to you how EFFECTIVE my methods are, and to complete your education, I’ve gone out and taped actual pick-ups for you, so you can see every secret in ACTION.As you watch these videos, my confidence will literally be passed on to you. You’ll see exactly how I approach, get her attention, make small talk, and secure the digits.Every one of these interactions is real. Nothing is staged, not even one.You’ll even see me drop the ball a few times. Some girls have boyfriends, some are married, and some are simply not interested. You’ll see how I deal with all of it.After you watch these videos, you’ll realize that it’s all very EASY.This module will show you EXACTLY how you can go from wherever you are right now to being able to pick up a woman anytime, anywhere, practically overnight.Take a look…In this pick-up, I emphasize TECHNIQUE #26. After you order, you’ll get access to over 40 TECHNIQUES that you can use to reel women into your life with ease.And once you perfect this stuff, your buddies will be completely BLOWN-AWAY at the BEAUTIFUL girls that you will be able to pull into your life in just minutes…And if that wasn’t enough to move you towards mastery with women, you’ll also get my high-end, once in a lifetime seminar, where I connect ALL the dots for you…“Plus You Get My $997 New York Workshop WhereI Reveal EVERY Single, Dirty-Little-Trick In The Book!”After you’ve been through the book, the audios, and the videos, you’ll have everything you need to go out and hit the streets and be VERY successful with women.But some guys aren’t ok with just GOOD game. They want GREAT game.And that’s exactly why I’ve included my best-selling $997 advanced workshop. This takes everything that you’ve learned up to this point to the next level and beyond.This advanced workshop contains all my best secrets. You’ll have an unfair advantage. It won’t be fair for your buddies, or for the girls you’re meeting for that matter.These are the nitty gritty little secrets that will allow you to get better, even faster.Everything will become clearer; you’ll understand why and how to use my system so that you can acheive what I did, probably even faster. I didn’t hold anything back.Here’s a sample clip…As you can see from this video, I dive into great detail about my system, and how to execute it, down to the finest detail—so you’ll be able to quickly duplicate my success.This part of the program—alone—contains 9 HOURS+ of devastatingly effective secrets about meeting women that you just can’t learn anywhere else.And…“If That Isn’t Enough To Supercharge Your Game…You Also Get To Join My Exclusive “Player’s Club”Now, just like any other training program, you have peers.In this case, other guys who are looking to SERIOUSLY up their game. So as an added bonus, you’re going to get access to my private VIP “Player’s Club” message board.This private forum is NOT open to the public, and is for MEMBERS of this program ONLY.You will be able to network with guys of all different skill levels to discuss challenges, successes and failures. Ask questions, answer questions, and share your experiences good and bad.From time to time I’ll stop by and answer your questions PERSONALLY. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to answer every single question, but I’ll be around.The ability to interact with other guys studying this program is invaluable.Having access to this community will allow you to learn quicker, pick up more tips, and put these techniques into overdrive, so you can become better, faster.“You Get INSTANT ACCESS To The Entire TrainingThrough My Private Video Membership Site”The entire program is delivered in high-definition streaming video.That way, you can have INSTANT ACCESS to the entire training and you can start applying these techniques TODAY to bring more women into your life.No DVD player required.I want you to get results fast. And this way you can literally be going through the training 10 minutes from now and get panty-dropping results just HOURS from now.You’ll get a username and password to access the course materials, high quality audio, HD streaming video, with accompanying notes and transcriptions.Plus, you get to watch the material online 24/7, at your own convenience. Watch it as many times as you want until you’re confident you understand every detail.“Even If You Only Apply 1/10th Of This StuffYou’ll Still See AMAZING Results With Women”As you can see, this is STREET-WORTHY dating advice. Everything you’ll learn has been PROVEN in the field and works like a charm.But consider this… even if you have no desire to pick up HUNDREDS of women, what if you could achieve just 10% of my success?Use just a FEW of these techniques… and you WILL get results.And if you apply ALL of what I teach in the program, you’ll be completely overwhelmed with women. And before you know it, your buddies will be begging YOU for advice.You might want to get a girlfriend, you might want to find “the one,” or you might want to sleep with multiple girls, it DOESN’T MATTER what your goal is.By applying just a FRACTION of the stuff you’ll learn in this program, I guarantee you’ll IMMEDIATELY be blown away by your new found success with women…“How Much Is ALL This Worth?”Look, this isn’t just a silly little ebook.This is an entire multi-format “graduate level training program.” Here’s a summary of what you’re going to get when you order…    #1: The Attraction Formula Book ($39 Value)    #2: The Day Game Audio Program ($97 Value)    #3: In-Field Video Of Actual Street Pick-Ups ($299 Value)    #4: Beyond The Digits: Advanced Workshop ($997 Value)    #5: Private Access To The “Player’s Club” ($97 Value)The total value of this program is over $1529. Each of these products have been sold at the listed price to thousands of guys.But you’re not even going to pay HALF the regular price.Now before I tell you the actual price—I’m going to remove ALL the risk, and make it an absolute NO BRAINER for you. You’d have to be crazy to pass up this offer because…“You Can Feel Confident Ordering Right NowBecause This Entire Program Is Backed By My365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee”Here’s my simple 100% money back guarantee.Order the program RIGHT NOW and put these strategies to work in your life for a full 12 months.You be the judge. If this stuff doesn’t absolutely increase your success with women, or if you’re unhappy for any reason, you can email me for a complete refund with no questions asked.I have no problem making this iron-clad guarantee because I know that this stuff not only works for me, but it also works for the thousands of other guys, and it will work for YOU too.Now you have the confidence to order right now, without hesitation, and get access to the most powerful men’s program available today. So…With this kind of guarantee, you can practically STEAL this program from me.Hell… I don’t even CARE if you ask for a refund!Just order the program now and get access to it so you can see just how powerful it really is, and so you can start seeing DRAMATIC results in your own life.But you’re not going to need to ask for a refund, because I’ve made this program EXTREMELY affordable. It’s not $997, it’s not $497, it’s not even $297…If you order right now, you can get instant digital access to the entire program for the incredible price of just $97. This is an unbelievable deal!BUT YOU’LL HAVE TO HURRY: This offer is for the first 1,000 members ONLY. After that, the price will be going up to 5 payments of $39. Order now and save big.“Don’t Be The Guy Sitting On The SidelinesWhile—Other Guys—Have All The Fun!”Ask yourself this…How AWESOME would it be to have these kinds of skills?With this program, you’ve got the edge over every guy out there, and you’ll have access to the most effective girl-getting method EVER developed for the street.The lifestyle, the girls, the respect, it’s all so close you can taste it.If you want PROVEN techniques that will get your numbers, dates, and sex, from lots of attractive women, then this is the program that WILL deliver the goods.If you’re FRUSTRATED or you’re having difficulties now, after going through my program, you’ll be able to pull MULTIPLE women into YOUR life with ease.Soon after ordering, you’ll be in the CURRENT of life, having women around you, going out on social engagements, and having them back to your place for SEX.  Then you’ll realize, “Oh my god, I’ve been standing on the SIDELINES this whole time when I could have been out there LIVING MY LIFE to the fullest…”…So the big question is—Do you want to live your life to the FULLEST? Or are you going to let OTHER MEN have all the fun and date all of the desirable women?Sales page


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