Paul Jerome – NLP Coach
[1 program – EXE]
OK old old GB which to my knowledge never made it but it’s here now.. I just downloaded this a few seconds ago so I dunno anything bout it but it looks good.EXCLUSIVE!!Thousands of people have already done their NLP training, but many still have problems using the most important patterns…”How I Mastered the meta Model, Milton Model and Mind Lines Patterns – Using My PC”Discovering The 63 Empowering Tactics that helped to transform my communication skills – Without spending a fortune on expensive courses…If you’re looking for a simple way to improve Your NLP Questioning Skills – or to practice your Hypnotic Suggestions; or even to form your Persuasive Mind Lines – Then my training software: ‘NLP Coach’ makes it easier to make those improvements…Inspired by Lucas Derks’ Social Panorama; – I designed NLP Coach to recreate the effective interactions; of a real practice session – but experienced from an observer’s point of view… What is a Social Panorama?According to Dirks; and my own research; viewing an interaction from the observer’s position; and including yourself within that view; provides the most powerful position for directing and changing behaviorThe power within this technique arises from the emotional associations with each of the interacting characters – and yet paradoxically provides an intellectual distanceIt’s this intellectual distance plus the emotional associations that enables personal change to occur at a truly unconscious levelThe results speak for themselves: “The Social Panorama is one of the most effective methods for installing new social behaviors…” By using the social panorama; I wanted to ensure that NLP Coach could provide an advanced training environment for learning, understanding and practicing NLP…the next step was to put together the NLP lessons to practice…I Wanted to get the very best from using NLP Coach:After pouring over all the NLP books, I pulled together everything I’d learnt from the 23 years experience I’ve had with learning, practicing and training NLP; and finally assembled some truly powerful lessons… First you’ll practice the meta Model…The meta Model is the original NLP model for communication and changeI decided to use the meta Model, since it provides a powerful format for understanding and changing behaviorThe Result:Well, it certainly worked for me when I used it…But I wanted to see how Well it Worked For Others…My first port of call was with celebrated NLP Trainer: Dr Michael HallDr Hall; creator of meta States, and prolific NLP author absolutely loved itExploring the lessons within NLP Coach; he pointed out what a fantastic idea it was, and then encouraged me to take it on to the next level; even saying I was free to use his published materials for the lessons,By now, I’d realized that I’d created a brand new tool for learning and practicing NLP… Great! Next Step: You’ll Practice the Hypnotic Milton ModelThe Milton Model in my opinion; is the next most important model of communication and changeBased upon the behavior of legendary hypnotist Milton H Erickson; the Milton Model provides a comprehensive methodology for producing powerful hypnotic suggestionsThe patterns of the Milton Model have been effectively used by Hypnotists, Parents, Politicians, Sales People, Coaches……in fact any communication activity that depends upon the art of suggestion – Could well benefit from an understanding of the Milton Model And NLP Coach continues to grow…Since its birth seven years ago; NLP Coach has grown way beyond its humble origins, and the NLP Coach software now includes: •The meta Model of Change•The Hypnotic Milton Model, plus •Michael Hall’s famous Mind Lines Persuasion PatternsPlus, I’ve put in literally thousands of extra hours completely updating each insightful lesson(If you want more information about the lessons included, then just click on any of the links above) You’ll get all the help you needEvery lesson begins with in-depth, but simple to understand instructions from the built-in coachYour Coach will inform you about each technique you’re going to learn, highlighting for you:•What the technique does… •Why it works that way•Where you can use it•Where not to use it•How to use it, and•What the likely results will be…And with NLP Coach’s guidance; you’ll be taking away many fresh examples of how to apply each techniqueBut of course, what really matters is the practice…To begin your practice right away; you’ll be paired with a built-in client – And between the two of you, you’ll be playing with – and experimenting with each technique to explore its full useAll the while, your trusted coach will be there by your side: Offering advice on your performance, and providing many other useful tips for improving your abilitiesOwning NLP Coach is a bit like having your own on-line NLP tutorSo as your NLP skills keep improving; NLP Coach continues introducing you to more advanced techniques: ensuring that the skills that you take with you, are continuing to developAnd if at any time you don’t understand the point being made, and you need more help: then NLP Coach will carefully begin guiding you step-by-step through each technique, ensuring you fully understand how each small step works as a part of the whole..P.S Click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button Now and you’ll be Practicing the meta Model, Milton Model and Mind Lines Patterns within minutes…more at
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