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Paul McKenna- Phobia Cure- Public Speaking

Paul McKenna- PHOBIA CURE- Public Speaking [2 MP3]
[2 MP3]



Please don’t share outside elib.techZenfirePHOBIA CURE DOWNLOADS For many years I have been helping people overcome their phobias, in fact you may have seen me do some dramatic demonstrations on television. I have spent the last few months perfecting 12 phobia cures that you can now download.If you were to see a therapist about a phobia it might well cost you more than £100 per session, but now you can download a phobia cure session with me for just £14.97 and use it as many times as you need to. You will have me on tap 24 hours a day.Whilst I cannot guarantee to completely cure every phobia in the World, I am able to help most people who I work with to dramatically reduce their fears in a very short space of time and feel more in control of their life.Paul McKenna


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