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Paul Morgan – Managing Yourself

Paul Morgan – Managing Yourself.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



Managing Yourself: Mastering Your Emotional Intelligence’People skills’ are now recognised as being THE single most important factor for success in business. Managing Yourself is a practical, easily absorbed and implemented guide to the assessment and then continuous personal improvement of your emotional intelligence.It provides the reader with easily understood and workable models of how they think, feel, relate to others and perform in the workplace. Often your emotions hold you back or deflect you off course. This book shows you how to master your emotions and get the results you deserve.Discovering how your unconscious and invisible maps significantly influence your emotional intelligence and the results you get in life, then provides the basis for highlighting areas to change. The book then provides a range of self-coaching techniques to adjust your maps where needed – and shift your interactions with others to be more effective and more productive.Unlike many other EI related books, Managing Yourself explores key elements of emotional intelligence using popular culture (sport, TV, cinema & music) making it much more readily absorbed. Additionally, the book provides a whole series of self-assessment/self-understanding exercises giving the reader a clear idea from the outset where they stand on EI your strengths and weaknesses, before providing very specific techniques for change. The outcome is workable accelerated plans that will improve your emotional intelligence and your business results.- Gain personal insight.- Identify poor quality thinking maps. – Learn how to monitor progress and measure improvements


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