Paul Newsome – The Swim Smooth DVD Boxset
swim smooth
[2 – MP4s, 16 – PDFs, 10 – JPGs, 4 – XLS]
The Swim Smooth DVD Boxset “Clean-up Your Stroke!” is the superb swimming program specifically for triathletes and open water freestyle swimmers. Use the DVDs and included Training Program to help you improve your swimming technique and so SPEED and EFFICIENCY through the water.The program consists of two DVDs and one CD-ROM packed with over 2½hrs of information to help you swim Smoother and Faster in no time. No other swimming training package on the market is as comprehensive and gives you three-times the value in one easy-to-use swimming guide.DVD 1 – Stroke Technique CorrectionSwim Smooth prides itself on providing a totally comprehensive training package which gives you over 30 pool based drills, neatly divided into 7 specific areas of freestyle stroke technique:- Breathing- Head Position- Leg Kick- Body Roll- Arm Recovery- Hand Entry- Catch and PullThe first DVD features swimming and drill demonstrations by Sydney Olympic Gold Medallist, Bill Kirby OAM. Swim Smooth Head Coach Paul Newsome provides observation and instruction backed by the guidance and bio mechanical knowledge of Swim Smooth’s physiotherapist, Michelle Smith.The first disc also contains many demonstrations of the common mistakes you should look out for within your own stroke technique. Using our straightforward ‘Cause And Effect’ approach to stroke correction, we’ll show you the underlying cause of each stroke problem – it’s often not obvious! Then we’ll show you the best drills and visualisations to fix that underlying problem.DVD 2 – Open Water Swimming TechniqueThe second DVD contains specific open water swimming drills and exercises to make sure you can transfer the improvements you’ve made in the pool into an open water race environment. Don’t underestimate how important this is!Disk 2 is essential viewing for triathlon novices and experienced athletes alike.We explain in detail what equipment you need in open water and how to use it correctly. We interview and watch demonstrations by several top elite open water swimmers to understand race techniques and strategies for starts, turns, drafting, pacing, sighting and swim exits.Last but not least we explain changes you can make to your stroke technique to make it better suited for open water swimming. These will give your performances a further lift.Get these things right on your race day and you’ll have a perfect race! Disk 3 – Full Training Plan and Training ToolsThe PC and Mac compatible CD-ROM contains a full 8-Week / 25 Session Training Program for you to follow when you swim. These structured sessions break the monotony of continuous swim sessions and get you focused on improving your swimming technique with detailed drill sets and fitness sessions.The Training Program strikes the perfect balance between technique training and fitness training. In conjunction with the DVDs it’s the perfect way to improve your swim speed.Within the Training Program there are 3 levels to choose from – Novice, Intermediate and Advanced – one will be perfect for you! The Training Program can be undertaken at any time – during the race season to get you in peak swim shape for your big race, or over the winter to develop your swimming to a higher level.Also contained on Disk 3 is a Pace Calculator to work out target times for your training (in MS Excel format). A sample Strength, Core and Flexibility program and Swim Smooth’s “Injury 101” prevention article.A quality product from: images of the DVDs are also available here at elib shared by member purim: difference is that the upload by purim lacked Disk 3, which is provided here. Combine both our uploads and you have a perfect and complete DVD Boxset.Hope you find this useful. Or you could get Total Immersion Swimming, I have heard nothing but positive comments about it. Anyone who has finished watching this and tried out the lessons, reviews, tips or comments are appreciated!P.S. I’m a pretty poor swimmer, so if anyone has the Learn To Swim Program also by swim smooth, please do share it here at elib.P.P.S. This is my first upload in elib, hope everything goes smoothly and I hope to contribute much more in the near future
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