Paul Scheele – Break the Habit Paraliminal
[1 CD – FLAC]
Free yourself from the cycleof addictive behaviors….Enjoy!Do you have a habit that is harming your health… hurting your job performance… ruining your home life… keeping you in any way from having a great life…Whether you eat too many sweets – watch too much television – smoke – abuse drugs… If you have any habits that you would like to break, this program will release the handcuffs.sleeping in – laziness – cheating – wasting timespending all of your paycheck – letting your house get messyspeeding – fast to criticize – compulsive behavior – credit cardsovereating – unsafe sex – constant complaining – abusebed wetting – nail biting – pacing – twitches – cigarettes – winenegative thoughts – lying – anger – alcohol – yelling – gamblingpeople-pleasing – stealing – impatienceDo you see yourself in any of those? You know, some behaviors are quick to wreak havoc such as drugs, alcohol, and gambling. Others have a slow fuse – sleeping in every day might eventually get you fired, and it adds stress to your morning as you rush around to get caught up. One way or another, all negative behaviors that become habit have the potential to screw up some part of your life. Unless you use Break the Habit.My attitude: if you’re going to take time to relax, you might as well put on a Paraliminal and clean up some part of your life. You have habits that work to stymie your life – this CD may be the easiest way to take care of them.Psychology Today magazine said, “Our desire to take the path of least resistance is so strong that we continue our sometimes destructive behavior even though we know, as in the cases of smoking and overeating, it literally may kill us.”Listen to Session A of Break the Habit to find harmony in your life. At some point you will say, “This is it!” Then listen to Session B and allow the bad habit or addictive behavior to leave. Listen to Session B as often as you need. Most people will want to listen daily for one to two weeks. * Annihilate behaviors that create problems. * Eliminate nagging frustration, guilt, and shame. * Stop the habits that tell the world you’re not living life to the fullest. * Have more feelings of peace and calm, self-worth, and confidence. * Live healthfully so that you live well.Life is too short (and difficult enough) to put up with anything but the best. Don’t you just want life to be good? Break the Habit will bring you that goodness. And freedom.
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