Paul Scheele – Youthful Vitality
Youthful Vitality
[1 CD – FLAC]
Become youthful, with unbridled vitalitySome people exude youthful energy and childlike curiosity all their lives. You can too!Listen to this CD to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. It will help bring back traits of youthfulness and ward off the development of physical, mental, and emotional rigidity characteristic of being old.This CD is not about trying to live in the past but rather about renewing vitality and passion from your past to create a richly rewarding present. Age can bring wisdom, not an earlier bedtime.How to maintain youthful energyAn unwritten law of the Universe says you must trade “Youth for Wisdom.” It does not say you have to get old, and it certainly does not say you have to give up youthfulness.But why do so many people get old? Why do love-handles appear? Why do shoulders slump and butts drop? Why does skin wrinkle, eyes tire, and feet hurt? Why does memory slip, hair gray, and bones creek?Why do some people just get older and older instead of better and better?Programming.Programming from your parents, friends, teachers, television, movies, books, advertising, and your own self-talk. It has all led a lot of people to get older.Do not misunderstand what we are saying. The Youthful Vitality Paraliminal CD does not stop or reverse aging. Your body will still change and gravity will still tug, but you might just win back some of that…# youthfulness,# vitality of youth,# sparkle in the eye,# healthy glow,# lighthearted feeling,# spring in the step,# freshness of though, and# childlike curiosity!With Youthful Vitality you might lose some anger, cynicism, and bitterness. You might find maintaining your ideal weight easier, exercising more inviting, waking up in the morning more refreshing, reading a book more enjoyable, and looking in the mirror more comforting.Youthfulness is an attitude. It is a way of life. It is the recognition that you have choice in your life, and you do not have to blindly accept whatever is given. When you live youthfulness, you exude youthfulness, and you can live life to the fullest.You may have seen people older than you who appear younger. Sure some of it is genetics, but how much of it is attitude? How much of it is how they program their mind? We dare to say that a lot of it is coming from the mind.If you are quite youthful now, be thankful and do not lose it. Enhance it. Ensure that you live a youthful, energetic, and healthy life for years to come.The best news of all is that you will still gain wisdom and all the gifts and blessings that it brings. There is no way we would trade the wisdom and knowledge that we have gained in our lives for anything. When we look back at our teens, twenties, or early thirties, we are so thankful that we are not there any more. Our lives are much better than ever, and they continually get better. Still, we listen to Youthful Vitality regularly so that the spirit of youth permeates our bodies.This spirit of youth is characterized by the need to love and be loved, curiosity, inquisitiveness, thirst for knowledge, the need to learn, imagination, creativity, open-mindedness, spontaneity, enthusiasm, sense of humor, playfulness, optimism, honesty, resilience, and flexibility.Our bodies and brains are designed to continue developing these traits throughout life. Society, however, leads most people to halt this development and develop physical, mental and emotional traits of being old.Adults who nurture youthful traits bring to their adult work the imagination and enthusiasm of childhood, which continues to be the source of their unbounded interested and creativity.When you listen to Youthful Vitality, every day becomes a precious opportunity to learn and give to the world. You will develop a freedom of spirit that enables you to grow young more effectively and more happily than you may ever dreamed possible.There is nothing like the wisdom of age and the refreshing openness of youth to create a richly rewarding, pleasurable, and satisfying life.Listen to Youthful Vitality as often as you desire so that you can rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. With each listening decide on integrating one of the traits of youthfulness discussed earlier. Bathe yourself in the trait! This is how you can manifest and express youthfulness.As you listen, you will rekindle life-giving dreams, missions and purpose. You will learn to counter the effects of aging. You will refresh yourself in the magic fountain of childlike flexibility. You will experience fluidity of thought and feeling that comes from a new, youthful approach to life.More about Paraliminal TechnologyThere are no “questionable” subliminal messages on our CDs. You will find no short-term motivational hype. You will not hear fluffy affirmations or wishful positive statements. Rather, you will hear Paul R. Scheele, skillfully guide your mind so that you get the results you want. To improve your life, sometimes all it takes is guidance to evoke your inner wisdom.Paraliminal recordings increase your personal power by activating your “whole mind” with a precise blend of music and words. Each session is carefully scripted by Paul, trained in neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, and preconscious processing, to give you the best CD for your investment.Special “Holosync” audio tones, developed by Centerpointe Research Institute , are embedded in the recordings so that you automatically enter the ideal brain state for relaxation and learning.State-of-the-art digital recording produces a soothing 3-D sound that allows music and voices to project spatially in your head. Truly, nothing else gets results like a Paraliminal CD.Customers say that these are the best recordings they have ever heard.”Paraliminal” is not “subliminal”Many of our customers had been using subliminal and relaxation tapes without getting benefits they had been promised. They asked to develop recordings using the advanced human performance technologies that have made our seminars so popular and effective.”Subliminal” recordings hide positive statements or affirmations in music or environment sounds. The theory is that if you listen to subliminals for 30 to 60 days you will become whatever the messages say.But, 1) most people cannot listen to subliminals as often as directed; 2) the messages may have nothing to do with your state of being; 3) the National Research Council says there is no proof that the brain can act on such messages; and 4) the messages—if they can get into the brain—may even be harmful.One publisher has the message “if you don’t quit smoking, you will get cancer.” This is horrible because it is actually a command to “get cancer.” Another has a message for a child’s self-esteem, “I do things to please others”—this can lead to dysfunctional behaviors that harm the child.You may be pleased to know that there are no subliminal messages on Paraliminal recordings.Paul R. Scheele introduces each Paraliminal CD with the purpose or programming parameters for the listening session.Then, Paul skillfully guides you to a state of relaxed alertness while original music plays in the background.When you are relaxed, music fades and Paul’s voice transforms into multiple voices. The left voice generally weaves metaphors for the creative right brain, and the right voice generally leads you through logical change processes for the analytical left brain.The multiple voices soothe and relax. Do not try to listen to the voices—just enjoy the flow and rhythm.To finish, Paul’s voices become one and music returns as he guides you back to full alertness.Because of the power of the Paraliminal process, you do not have to listen to Paraliminals nonstop to get results. Follow the guidelines presented in the instructions.Each Paraliminal CD is 10-20 minutes long, and includes an instruction booklet and user’s guide to help achieve the best results. Stereo Headphones suggested for optimal results.
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