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Paulo Correa, Alexandra Correa – Pulse Of The Planet Taken To Task – Review of James Demeo’s Pulse of the Planet #5, 2002 (or, The End of the Road for Orgonomism) 2002

Paulo Correa, Alexandra Correa – Pulse Of The Planet Taken To Task.pdf
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Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Paulo Correa, Alexandra Correa – Pulse Of The Planet Taken To Task – Review of James Demeo’s Pulse of the Planet #5, 2002 (or, The End of the Road for Orgonomism) 2002This digital book was kindly OCR’ed by trance33.The original is here:…One could call what follows below a critique. But a critique aims at redressing errors in thoughts or actions that are deemed worthy of being redressed. Yet, the supposed research reported in the Pulse of the Planet #5 (May 2002)(1), or PP5 for short, has no intrinsic value – as is amply demonstrated below. This is the sad constatation one is obliged to make after reviewing all of its features on archeology, basic physics, biology, cloudbusting, etc. None of the writers whom we will examine below deserve the respect of self-critical research workers – precisely because, as will become apparent, they do not care what they say or how they say it, any more than they care about citing literature with precedents or opposing points of view that are worthy of consideration. To pompously call this PP5 an Heretic’s Notebook can be seen as nothing but a sorry heresy of Reichianism against the spirit and courage of true heresy.One could also designate what follows as a review – but such is carried out by peers. Yet, we cannot regard Demeo or his ilk as our peers, any more than we would wish to debase ourselves to become theirs.No. What follows is an expedition that became destined to concretely investigate how Reichianism has become stigmatized by a rampant poverty of thought and nonscientific, mystical beliefs that are represented as being ‘scientific’ alternatives to mainstream science. To do so, there is only one route to follow: take Demeo and his collaborators to task – theoretically and experimentally. So call it an assessment if you will – pure and simple.Is it unbiased? This would be the kind of lie that Demeo is given to – as when he claimed to have written his shoddy, ignorant and ill-willed ‘Critique’ of Volume I of Experimental Aetherometry from an objective, impartial viewpoint, as our peer… But science is never unbiased – its bias is precisely knowledge: knowing or not knowing.Is our assessment fair? On this one, the reader will have to decide. We believe it is an honest assessment and an accurate examination of both what is said and what is strikingly omitted in PP5; and this task is carried out not in the name of Reich, nor even in our own. Not in anyone’s name – but solely as part of the pitiless work of thought which has long been sorely needed in these fields of inquiry – like opening the windows of a room gone stale, to let in the lively fresh air of the Great Outdoors.Demeo makes evident why so many good scientists and thinkers have for so long hesitated in approaching Reich with the same honesty that our texts claim. Everything they read which purports to defend Reich is, in general, a veritable anathema for the scientific spirit and its quests. Now, it must be said, it wasn’t Reich nor his mistakes – which, here and there, he also committed – that are responsible for this lameness of thought and weakness of investigation.No. It was what the followers – who, almost to a man, betrayed Reich until his last hour – did (and with a vengeance, as PP5 also amply demonstrates) to disfigure every good thought and direction of investigation that Reich took. To dissolve, in and through the Reichian Church, the responsibility of any subsequent researcher in Orgonomy. To associate Reich’s work with mystical and mythical dogmas from which there is no retreat except into further nonsense. To discard method as if science were a matter of fiat by faith.What follows should probably be regarded, more properly, as an enterprise of healthy demolition of the most undignified collection of rubbish ever written in the name of Reich. (Oh yes, armed with our indulgent critique of Saharasianism, we can appreciate how Demeo is a Reichian not really because of Wilhelm, but because of Eva, the mother of all Matrist cultures.)One thing is now certain – Demeo’s new mission to suppress any mention of our extensive work – in basic physics, basic biology and the Aether Motor – has boxed him in even further than he was before. While Reich remains the overt ‘despotic signifier’ of the Demeo chapel, as it befits every iconolatry to have one, there is now a Lacanian absence, a ‘barred signifier’ – as Jacques Lacan was fond of putting it – whose covert identity has Aetherometry written all over it – and whose ‘signified’ are all the unreferenced allusions to our own work and findings, not to mention the clumsily hidden ‘rebuttals’ Demeo sprinkles throughout his PP5.But as Demeo is about to finally find out – Aetherometry is more like Lacan’s ‘object a’ than his ‘despotic signifier’ or its ‘democratic signified’. Actual science takes no prisoners. In that respect, it shares a lot with the nomadism of Villa and Zapata.You can download the document they are referring to here: help us bringing similar materials to elib by pledging in the OPEN GB: Reichian Therapy/Orgonomy BooksThank you!


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