Pavel Tsatsouline – Resilient
[1DVD – VOB]
Pavel Tsatsouline – ResilientAdvanced Kettlebell Drills and Insider Secrets for Playing Harder & Hurting LessSet of 19 DrillsWall neck extension * Delivers unprecedented neck mobility—without jamming Paul Anderson neck roll * Loosens up your neck like never before—while building tremendous strength Some chicken * Mobilizes your neck in a totally unexpected fashion—and feels awesome Boxer’s jaw opener * Removes debilitating tension from this vital area * Gives the jaw a terrific tonic Drills for more resilient elbowsElbow greaser * Manages nagging elbow injuries * Helps fighters, lifters, arm-wrestlers, and old-timers regain crucial elbow strength and mobility Beyond the French press * Develops spectacular shoulder girdle and upper back * Discover the most powerful yet most shoulder-friendly alignment for overhead lifts * Boosts performance for girevoy sport, weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman events, gymnastics, yoga Drills for a more resilient shoulder girdleShoulder blade walk * Releases your upper back and shoulder blades * Helps you to move like liquid metal * Rewards fighters with an essential improvement in durable mobility * Gets the “swivel ‘n glide” back into your stiff-tank-turret of a torso Turkish half-up * Discover a secret drill to fix bad shoulders—once you get your doc’s permission Russian karate twist * Loosens up your spine while teaching you powerful body mechanics * A gift to fighters—and awesome too for lesser mortals RKC shoulder rotator * Helps you achieve the ultimate in shoulder resilience * Enhances durability and usability for grapplers and other hard living types RKC arm bar * Accelerates shoulder resilience and flexibility for grapplers Hack chest opener * Improves your martial posture Drills for more resilient hips and kneesHack squat & Hack hip openers * Master the true Hack squat—not the sissy yet dangerous machine version * Rewards you with the ultimate in squatting flexibility—a must for military, law enforcement * Get unique techniques that teach you to dramatically unload your knees in any type of a squat * How to turn the Hack Squat into a killer leg exercise * Custom-made for fighters and tactical types (you won’t believe your new kneeling and sitting shooting positions) Russian slalom * Conditions your knees in a little-known plane that can spell the difference between true resilience and dangerous weakness * Essential for all types of fighters * Delivers higher injury-protection for your knees Kneeling lunge plus * Helps release your tight hip flexors—which act like parking brakes to cripple your kicking, punching, running and lifting * Learn the finer secrets to stretching the hip flexors Drills for a more resilient spineBack roll-around * Have fun—and watch your back go from whiner to smiler. * Grease up the Tin Man and gyrate across the floor—for a stronger, more sinuous back Wall walk * Improves your ability to perform the gymnastic bridge * Stretches your spine—for extra “activity-mileage” * Helps loosen you after deadlifts and other heavy pulls Good morning stretch plus * Discover some finer points borrowed from Iyengar yoga * Establishes flexible, healthy hams and back Russian hockey deadlift * Injury-proof your back with a controversial drill from Russian contact sports
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