Pavel Tsatsouline- Resilient Advanced KB
Pavel Resiliant
[1 DVD – ISO]
Discover How to Reinforce Your Body—and Snap Back from the Toughest Challenge with Deceptive Ease and StrengthDVD36 minutes ResilientAdvanced Kettlebell Drills and Insider Secrets for Playing Harder & Hurting Lessby PavelOrdering InformationWatch clip using Real Media (1.7MB)Watch clip using Windows Media Player (1.6MB)Customer reviews of:Resilient Average Rating:9.3 in 29 reviewsHow to Become the Man Without a WeaknessLife has a habit of body-slamming us when we least expect it. And the more active we are, the more likely we’re gonna be wrenched, tossed, torn, torqued, twisted, scrunched, hammered and generally whacked around. Hit your forties—let alone fifties—and you can be reduced to a tangled mess of injuries and performance-crimping tensions.You get sidelined!You can’t do what you want to do anymore. People don’t want you on their team anymore. You can’t compete anymore.You’re…let’s face it…washed up, as a card-carrying member of the active elite.As a man who trained the elite Soviet Special Forces in how to be physically durable as hell…As a man sought out by hardcore US agencies and services to provide the same secrets for physical superiority…As a man who spearheaded the new Russian Kettlebell invasion…Pavel knows what it takes—personally and professionally—to remove crucial flaws and weaknesses from your body armor—so you can bounce back, time and time again, from the toughest challenge life throws at you.A winner isn’t someone who never falls down, never gets knocked down…a winner is that nightmare creature who keeps getting up and getting up, keeps coming back, no matter what you fling at them.It’s the winner’s edge. It’s called RESILIENCE. It’s called “don’t know how to spell quit.”So, in this specialized program, Pavel’s put together 19 of his favorite drills for restoring and reinforcing your body’s “rebound strength.”Pavel’s concentrated on the weak links—the knees, the elbows, the shoulders, the spine, the neck—and shows you how to change a liability-waiting-to-happen into a strength—weapon-of-choice.Discover what it really means to be RESILIENT. Add years of wiry, tensile, pliant strength back into your life—and hurt a whole lot less while you’re doing it.Fighters, Grapplers, Lifters, Men-Who-Hate-to-Lose, Guys-Who-Take-a-Pounding-in-Your-Lives: Inject this Fail-Safe Set of 19 Drills into Your Battered Bod and Watch Yourself Storm Back to the Winner’s EdgeDrills for a more resilient neckWall neck extension * Delivers unprecedented neck mobility—without jamming Paul Anderson neck roll * Loosens up your neck like never before—while building tremendous strength Some chicken * Mobilizes your neck in a totally unexpected fashion—and feels awesome Boxer’s jaw opener * Removes debilitating tension from this vital area * Gives the jaw a terrific tonic Drills for more resilient elbowsElbow greaser * Manages nagging elbow injuries * Helps fighters, lifters, arm-wrestlers, and old-timers regain crucial elbow strength and mobility Beyond the French press * Develops spectacular shoulder girdle and upper back * Discover the most powerful yet most shoulder-friendly alignment for overhead lifts * Boosts performance for girevoy sport, weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman events, gymnastics, yoga Drills for a more resilient shoulder girdleShoulder blade walk * Releases your upper back and shoulder blades * Helps you to move like liquid metal * Rewards fighters with an essential improvement in durable mobility * Gets the “swivel ‘n glide” back into your stiff-tank-turret of a torso Turkish half-up * Discover a secret drill to fix bad shoulders—once you get your doc’s permission Russian karate twist * Loosens up your spine while teaching you powerful body mechanics * A gift to fighters—and awesome too for lesser mortals RKC shoulder rotator * Helps you achieve the ultimate in shoulder resilience * Enhances durability and usability for grapplers and other hard living types RKC arm bar * Accelerates shoulder resilience and flexibility for grapplers Hack chest opener * Improves your martial posture Drills for more resilient hips and kneesHack squat & Hack hip openers * Master the true Hack squat—not the sissy yet dangerous machine version * Rewards you with the ultimate in squatting flexibility—a must for military, law enforcement * Get unique techniques that teach you to dramatically unload your knees in any type of a squat * How to turn the Hack Squat into a killer leg exercise * Custom-made for fighters and tactical types (you won’t believe your new kneeling and sitting shooting positions) Russian slalom * Conditions your knees in a little-known plane that can spell the difference between true resilience and dangerous weakness * Essential for all types of fighters * Delivers higher injury-protection for your knees Kneeling lunge plus * Helps release your tight hip flexors—which act like parking brakes to cripple your kicking, punching, running and lifting * Learn the finer secrets to stretching the hip flexors Drills for a more resilient spineBack roll-around * Have fun—and watch your back go from whiner to smiler. * Grease up the Tin Man and gyrate across the floor—for a stronger, more sinuous back Wall walk * Improves your ability to perform the gymnastic bridge * Stretches your spine—for extra “activity-mileage” * Helps loosen you after deadlifts and other heavy pulls Good morning stretch plus * Discover some finer points borrowed from Iyengar yoga * Establishes flexible, healthy hams and back Russian hockey deadlift * Injury-proof your back with a controversial drill from Russian contact sports
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