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Peter Schenk – Aquaware 4.0

Peter Schenk – Aquaware 4.0
[Software – EXE, 2 Documents – PDF]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elswhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the Peter Schenk – Aquaware 4.0 GB()GB is CLOSEDPeter Schenk – Aquaware 4.0 [1 EXE, 2 PDFs]Product Page:…Description:Aquaware 4.0 Software is the SolutionQuote:The majority of the world population is enslaved in fear based lives and never achieves true happiness or freedomAquaware 4.0 Software is the Solution    Self-Empowerment Capabilities    Self-Healing Capabilities    Over 700 Selectable Intentions (See the Complete Intent Index)    Manifest and create your most wanted Personal Transformations    Easy to use, requires no technical skills    Extremely powerful, utilizes connection to Sourxe power    User Community of thousands of Aquaware users sharing feedback and experience with productOverviewAquaware 4.0 will energize, empower and teach you to self-heal!Aquaware 4.0 channels Source Energy to individuals for the fulfillment of their human potential and most wanted intentions. We enable nearly all customer Empowerment and Self-Healing needs from a pre-built list of over 700 intentions today. Aquaware 4.0 includes the power for customers to program their own intentions unlocking their unlimited potential.Aquaware 4.0 accelerates the process which enables individuals, enterprises or groups fully access personal or collective power, authority and influence, and employ that strength when engaging with other people, institutions or society. In other words, “Empowerment in this case is not giving people power; people already have plenty of power, (in the wealth of their knowledge and motivation), to live their lives magnificently. We define empowerment as letting this power out.” It enables people to gain the skills and knowledge that will allow them to overcome obstacles in life or work environment and ultimately, help them develop within themselves or in the society.Aquaware 4.0 also enables Self-Healing to occur. Self-healing is the process of recovery (generally from psychological disturbances, trauma, etc. but is often physical as well), motivated by and directed by the customer/patient, guided oftenonly by our software. This process yields a multitude of startling results, although self-motivation is a usually a major underlying asset. The value of self-healing lies in its ability to be tailored to the unique experience and requirements of the individual. The process can be helped and accelerated with the cutting edge techniques of MDM software and services.


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