Peter Turner – Dare to be Bold
Peter Turner – Dare to be Bold.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
Thank’s For all the Inbox Messages guys. Please understand Im a very busy person and Most of the stuff I want to share I will upload when I can.THE BLURB:If you are looking for a variety of of hard hitting effectspresented in a fresh fashion this ebook is for you.Drawing/word duplications that require no pre-show work orthe need for the subject to write anything down, subject tosubject mind reading, data extraction methods, versatileutility switch methods for envelopes and other objects, funand games with fingers, invisible forces that can be appliedto many of your own effects, Peter’s thoughts on performanceand much more!Imagine being able to have a subject verify an envelope isopaque, then sign it so it cannot be switched and the onlyclue you give them as to the contents inside is that it isan image, (which could be any image in the world). Thesubject invites any second member of the audience onto thestage and the second subject draws an image and when theenvelope is opened the images match!”Peter is a genius when it comes to creating; he approachesideas boldly, solidly and whole heartedly. His methods are aconstruct of many hours of thought and testing. HisMentalism is hard hitting, impossible to figure out and yetsimple for audiences to follow. His presentations arecontemporary and most importantly…interesting. Get yourhands on anything with his name attached to it whilst youcan, you won�t regret it. Enjoy this book of strongMentalism and then get out there and perform it! If youdon�t, you will be missing out”.- Chris Rawlins (Author of Mind Experiments with KentonKnepper)”This book is for you if you want pure effects that look asclean live as any edited tv performance, the subject thinksit and you guess it with as little compromise as possible,Another outstanding book from Peter Turner!”- Eric Ostresh (Real world performer)ContentsForward by Chris RawlinsIntro by authorTrust your instincts (+seated variation)Dunninger vs Annemann (+ close up presentation)White board dual reality principleSubject to subject book testSimon saysLost and foundInside intuitionTime delay prinicpleLogic and trust (performance opinions)Peek-a-booThe envelope peekPrediction productionThe rain man effect/map testThree heads are better than one1st edition 2011; 75 pages.
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