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Philip H Farber – Meta-Magick – the Book of Atem

Philip Farber – META-MAGICK the Book of ATEM (2008)(OCR).pdf
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This new exclusive material is for elib members, please keep it here, thanks.meta-Magick – the Book of Atem: Achieving New States of Consciousness Through NLP, Neuroscience and RitualAuthor: Philip H FarberPublished: July 2008[img][/img]Book Description: 170 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.Philip Farber teaches us how to wake up from habitual trances, engage the present, immediately identify that which is greater than ourselves & to stand in the Mystery without unnecessary mystification. Farber’s writing captures the warmth & liveliness of his workshops because multi-sensory experiential processes are part of every page.In meta-Magick: The Book of Atem, Philip Farber combines traditional ritual sensibilities with contemporary concepts of neuro-linguistics and memetics to create a unique entity – Atem. In this instance, the essence of an entity is encoded in a book and activated by the reader. At the same time, the book is a comprehensive manual of evocation, containing dozens of easy-to-follow rituals and exercises for exploring and creating magical entities of every sort. Farber teaches readers to wake up from their habitual trance, to reprogram themselves to stand in the Mystery without unnecessary mystification.This supercharged fusion of tried-and-true magical and psychological techniques moves beyond trauma, healing, and recovery into self-fulfillment and self-transformation. Combining both disciplines with methods such as intentionality, autohypnosis, visualization, personification, and experiential journeys, Farber creates a powerful system that opens the way to peak experiences, self-knowledge, even cosmic consciousness. Rather than importing standardized healing images, readers learn to create their own emergent metaphors, their own creative strengths and flexible freedom. Atem is a living Magus, an icon for the twenty-first century. Part transpersonal shaman, part inner guide, part inner healer, part role model, Atem becomes a personal therapist, a guide to self-discovery and self-initiation. Atem, as healing fiction, helps readers to create their own breakthroughs, their own catharsis – emotional clearing that frees energy from internal conflict to flow creatively into new expressions. “Philip H. Farber in his new book has once again shown where Magick meets the brain.” (Richard Bandler, co-founder of NLP)Philip H. Farber is the author of FutureRitual: Magick for the 21st Century, a manual of neurological exploration and he has produced several DVD packages on magical topics, including Magick for the 21st Century, Essential meta-Magick, and How to be a Megalomaniac.The author’s web sites are at:[url][/url]Please keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.We are currently doing two NLP type groups buys in which the contributors get ratio-free access to this book.  Please check out these two group buys:Stephen Gilligan 2008 Trance Camp at: John Overdurf’s Advanced NLP Master Practitioner at:: ImmediatePower Users (PU): 2 weeksUsers: never Thanks, Mazen


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