PJ Eby – Stop Defeating Yourself, Part 1
PJ Eby Stop Defeating Yourself, Part 1
[9 videos, 1 mp3, 1 doc, 1pdf]
Stop Defeating Yourself, Part 1: “How You Mistreat Yourself, Is How You Defeat Yourself”(Note: as with all Guild materials, these videos are all copyright Dirt Simple, Inc.; please do not copy or share them outside the Guild. Thanks!) Video #1:“The Source of All Self-Sabotage”In this video, we look at some obvious (and not-so-obvious!) examples of self-defeating behavior, and reveal the secret reasons our brains deliberately sabotage us!Plus, discover what things do our brains find SO important, that they’ll worry about them even when we’re about to DIE!Video #2:“If You Can’t Win, Change The Rules”In this video, you’ll discover how the repeating patterns of your life are actually a game, formed by the “scoring rules” your brain has for what gains… or more importantly, loses you S.A.S.S.Unfortunately, most of us are playing by rules that make it impossible for us to win, no matter how hard we try!Video #3:“Holding On To Your Limits” The crazy thing about self-help is that we’re usually trying really hard to change something… that we don’t actually want to change in the first place!In this video, watch and listen for how one member’s “belief immune system” works very hard to hang on to the beliefs that are causing the same problem he so desperately wants to get rid of. (And, in the process, discover several tricks you can use to “leapfrog” out of your own tenacious beliefs!) (If you want to download this video as an MP4 to use on a portable player, you can do so here.)Video #4:“The Need You Ignore, BecomesA Trait You Deplore”In this video, another member’s question becomes the springboard to understanding another big self-improvement myth, and the self-defeating pattern that usually keeps us from fixing the other places where we defeat ourselves. Plus, I reveal some of my own past self-defeating behaviors, to show how “addiction to negative emotions” comes about.Video #5“What You Want Instead”What do your self-defeating behaviors really “want” for you to get? And how can you give it to yourself?Sometimes, the biggest challenge to letting go of a self-defeating behavior is just realizing that it’s okay for you to have what you need, without jumping through any special hoops first.And sometimes, the biggest challenge is to accept that if it’s okay for you, then it’s okay for other people, too!Video #6:The Muscles Of Mindhacking(aka “The 5 Be’s”)What are the mental muscles I use to solve my own and others’ problems, and how can you develop them for yourself? (With demonstrations and examples.)Video #7:The “Turning Point” TechniqueIn this video, I take the “5 Be’s”, and break them down into the actual questions that I ask myself to solve a problem. I also reveal what it means when a technique “doesn’t work”, and demonstrate a simple, super-fast way to let go of negative feelings, judgments, and beliefs.Video #8: Bonus Q&AThis is a fairly long Q&A session, and is pretty optional, so no need to feel guilty if you skip it. But you may pick up an insight or two if your situations are close to the ones described.Video #9:The Ultimate QuestionIn this brief (8 minutes) wrap-up to the workshop, discover the “Utimate Question”: the thing that is the end-goal of all your mindhacking efforts, and will drive the decisions and changes you make.
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