PJ Eby – The Secret of Getting Over It
PJ Eby – The Secret of Getting Over It
[4 mp4, 4 mp3, 1 pdf]
This is part of the PJ Eby Monthly Audio/Video NewsletterHey, PJ here, with something a little different for you this month: a technique that gets rid of stress — and certain types of stress-related procrastination.A few months ago, I taught it to one of my coaching clients, and during the call he ended up doing a bunch of stuff he’d been putting off for months… and then on our next call, he told me about how he’d finally sold his old car that had been sitting around for *years*.. but which he’d never sold because it stressed him out too much to even think of doing the work involved in doing so.And a few mornings ago, my wife was feeling really stressed out by a bunch of sudden demands at her business, several things that were just making her either furious or panicked.I asked her if she wanted some help with the stress, and we spent a few minutes going through the technique together.And just like that, no more stress: she was clear and focused, and no longer worrying about the stuff she couldn’t control.Instead, she was focused squarely on the things she *could* control.In short, she just “got over it” — much like my coaching client did.So, if you’ve got something you want to “get over” that’s stressing you out or keeping you from taking action, check this out:Download and print out the handout, then fill it in and do the exercises as you watch the videos.Check it out!–PJ————————————————————————————————-[/center]The Secret of “Getting Over It”[/center]Here are the audio downloads (and special bonus video versions!) for this month’s CD.Each part of the program runs between 13 and 26 minutes in length, and each one concludes with an exercise that you do on your own for five minutes or so.You don’t need to do all four parts in one sitting, but be sure to have pencil and paper, or some other way to record your insights and ideas as you go through each part.Then, when you’re done — or even if you’re just done with one part, please use the “Add new comment” link at the bottom of this page to let me know what you think!(Note: if there are no videos showing up below, you may have javascript or Flash turned off; both need to be enabled for the videos to show and play.)New! Notes/Handout PagesDownload and print this out before you start, to use as a worksheet during the program, and a cheat-sheet afterwards:Part 1: Suffering Is A Divided Mind13 minutes. Part 2: Taking The Hit20 minutes. Part 3: The Usual Suspects26 minutes. Part 4: It’s Not Over Until You Embrace It15 minutes. By the way, you may remember that a few months ago, I asked you for your feedback on the CDs. Well, I’ve tried to incorporate a lot of that feedback into how I put this one together, so I’d REALLY like to know how it turned out for you!So, as soon as you’re done going through these (or after each one, if you’re really motivated!), would you mind scrolling down to the bottom to click on the “Add new comment” link, and leave me your feedback? Thanks!PJ Eby Mind Hacking Instructor Founder, The Mind Hackers’ Guild
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