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Pook – Book of Pook and the Mill

[1 eBook – PDF]



From the same guy who brought you 60 years of challenge and created outrages within the Tpclick community.From the same guy who’s been banned fro TPclick but has returned…not even the Gods can stop him..he brings you..Not the original book of pook, but… the book of pook and the mill! Folks, this is what MrSesameChicken has been talking about on the forums and in the chat room. All of this information has been known by him before this book was discovered, but this book cements the facts and theories!This IS the same pook. So, what’s included in this book?- The pitfalls of feminism and how it not only destroyed man and civilization, but women themselves.- The dynamics of western women and why they act the way they do.- What it means to be a “Men Going [His]Their Own Way” (MGTOW).- And much more!Folks, if you thought 60 created an outcry within TPclick, you haven’t seen nothing yet. This is the last step for all of you “seduction experts” out there. This is where all of them will eventually end up. Some of them will never get to this stage and live their lives in a meaningless way, be thankful that someone has shed some light on the true path. Guys, you know I wouldn’t upload this shit if I didn’t think it was worth it. I am looking forward to your comments…Another great contribute from MrSesameChicken.Stay strong


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