Practical Pickup – The Dating Solution
[1 eBook – PDF]
Description has been a great resource and supported me over the years, so I’m uploading my product voluntarily. To learn more about me and my company, many of my posts here are stickied across the board. Also, my blog is My company is you get something out of the book and want to throw me some money, you can check out and description of the book is below. Again, thanks and enjoy!- Mark “Entropy” Manson——————————————————————————————————–I’ll put it bluntly: We make shit REALLY complicated for ourselves.I mean, the fact that you can go on boards and find 10-page diatribes on “disarming” other men who are talking to a girl or five-minute explanations on how to leave a 10-second voicemail is a bit over-the-top. This community, in general, suffers dearly from chronic mental masturbation.I believe getting really good with women boils down to only SIX skills.You may be thinking, “What about Reticular Activation Systems, and the difference between medium and large qualification hoops? What about the DHV routine stacks I wrote out and practiced in front of the mirror?”Dude… six skills, and you will be set. It’s just a matter of singling out, focusing and practicing the skills you need to work on.Some guys come into the community already proficient at four of the six. And instead of working on the other two, they use material that completely messes up the skills they’re already good at. That’s what I want to put a stop to.I have to warn you guys first though, you’re going to read this and your first reaction will probably be: “That’s it?” When I first explain it, it always seems a bit TOO simple. I know when I teach my students this stuff out in field, their first reaction is actually disappointment because they think, “God, I was working on all of this stuff for months and now you’re saying it didn’t even matter?”A few sets later, that disappointment usually changes to excitement.This is expected. In fact, that’s kind of what I’m going for. As a community, we’ve been inundated with copious amounts of theory and unnecessary thinking. Any guy who is experienced and successful in the community can tell you that he ends up only using a small percentage of ANYTHING he reads in the community.That being said, these are the FUNDAMENTALS. You cannot succeed without them; and they are all you need for success with women. Unless you want cold approach threesomes and to be able to steal runway models away from VIP areas, you probably won’t need to know much more than these fundamental skills.Finally, I’ll add that these six skills are placed in a special and sequential order. They each build upon the one coming before it. Earlier skills aren’t NECESSARY to move on to later ones, but they are more fundamental, meaning that skill one will improve skills 2-6, whereas skill six will have little effect on skill one.OK, enough cockteasing… let’s get started.1. Skill #1: Creating and Maintaining an Attractive Lifestyle — I’ll put this bluntly. If your life sucks, it doesn’t matter how much game you have, girls are not going to be interested and/or stick around. If you can open 100 sets a day, but you’re broke, homeless, unkept and unhappy, you’re going to end up with 100 blowouts a day.What are the components to a good lifestyle? I break them down into these categories: Health, Professional Happiness (notice I don’t say stability), Hobbies, Social Circles, style/Grooming, and Body Language.It’s true that guys who live baller lifestyles will naturally find girls hitting on them every so often, even guys with “no game.” I can’t tell you how many students I’ve taken out who get eye-fucked and interest from girls left and right and they’re just clueless to it. It’s because these guys — to reference “Swingers” — ARE FUCKING MONEY, and they just don’t realize it.The biggest mistake any guy can make is to GIVE UP THEIR LIFEstyle to hit on girls. I know guys who quit hobbies, ditch friends and underperform at their jobs for the sake of “going out and opening more girls.” You’re shooting yourself in the foot here — failing before you even begin.I would say, in general, most guys come to the community and already have pretty strong lifestyles. They have good jobs, interests (nerdy interests are completely valid), and friends. They just don’t know how to create and/or capitalize on opportunities.Skill #2: Approaching — Approaching’s SOLE PURPOSE is for the sake of creating opportunities.There’s probably more literature on opening in the PUA community than all of the other skills combined. The only reason is because approaching is the first issue guys run into, so it’s easiest to sell material on it — i.e., it’s the easiest to market and therefore the easiest to make a quick buck.In truth, approaching is daunting as shit when you start out, but it’s actually the easiest skill to learn. It’s really just a matter of getting over the social anxiety of talking to strangers. Once you’re able to do that, getting a simple and pleasant response 90% of the time is no big feat.Approaching is an art, not a science. You can read pages and pages on body positioning, energy levels, opening routines, etc., etc., but a calm, confident, “Hi, I’m X,” followed by a handshake will almost never fail. Ever.Again, what guys get hung up on is their social anxiety (I refuse to call it approach anxiety because it’s a silly concept) of talking to strangers. They experience a lot of anxiety, so they assume that it must be a much more complicated process and skill than it really is. They digest hundreds of pages of theory on approaching hoping to allay their fears and nervousness about approaching. The truth is, nothing kills the anxiety other than JUST DOING IT.I tell my students, “What you say first isn’t that important, what’s important is what you say SECOND.” Which brings us to…Skill #3: Conversation Skills — I feel like the biggest tragedy in the PUA community is that guys who don’t possess basic and fundamental social skills start by immediately trying to flirt and run attraction game.You can’t run before you can walk, and as we say in Texas, you can’t put the horse before the wagon. If you are incapable of holding a pleasant and normal conversation with a stranger for more than five minutes, then how the fuck are you going to make them attracted to you? Changing what you say around isn’t going to do dick, it’s just going to make things more weird and more awkward.It’s paramount that before guys try to become “pimps” and “players” that they know how to carry on a functioning conversation with a hot girl without freaking the fuck out — stammering, stuttering and yammering all over the place about stupid shit.Learn how to avoid awkward silences, learn how to get her to open up talk about herself, learn how to make her laugh. Guys freak out about getting put in the “friend zone,” but if a guy has never even had a female friend before, maybe having a few female friends is the best thing that could happen to him.It’s once you’ve learned how to comfortably build rapport and get a girl invested into the interaction that you can begin breaking that rapport and flirting — that is, building attraction.Skill #4: Flirting — The mountains and mountains of PUA attraction theory, the first three phases of the M3 model, the crux of Pickup 101’s bantering and DYD’s C+F are all really fancy and complicated terms for “flirting.”None of these gurus invented crap. They just took what men and women have been doing for centuries and put a name on it.Flirting can be broken down into quite a simple formula. In fact, I challenge any reader to find attraction material that DOES NOT fall into this formula. Anyone who does gets a free phone consult from me (so I can put you in your place… err, I mean…).Flirting and gaining attraction is simply a process of breaking rapport with a girl in a fun or acceptable way. Neg? Breaking rapport through a backhanded compliment. Cocky and Funny? Breaking rapport with humor. Bantering? Same.Some guys interject with “What about DHV’s?” here. DHV’s are simply sharing yourself in a positive frame. So, in my opinion, they fall under skill #3.The formula for flirting follows this progression: establish rapport, break rapport, girl qualifies and/or complies, re-establish rapport.I dare you to find attraction material that isn’t following this basic formula.The easiest way to flirt is to tease. All you need to tease well is a good sense of humor. Teasing breaks rapport with the girl while making her laugh. It creates a mixture of emotions: she feels good because she’s laughing, but she feels bad because you cut her down a bit. This mixture of emotions is literally what creates sexual tension — it’s emotional dissonance and something women fucking thrive on.Another way to flirt or create sexual tension is by leading aggressively. Breaking rapport by leading and gaining compliance requires little more than balls and some calibration. Cute girl at the bar seems into you? Grab her hand and say, “Come on, we’re dancing.” Lead effectively. She may have not been THAT into you at the bar. But suddenly she’s dancing with you and before she knows it she’s thinking, “Wait, this guy is kind of hot!”Skill #5: Logistics and Follow-Up — This is managing all of the odds and ends when it comes to closing girls. This is learning how to deal with her friends well, how do prevent flakes, leaving good text messages and voicemails and most importantly, mastering day 2’s.Logistics and follow-up, although requiring a lot of minor skills and attention to detail (make sure you have a ride home, make sure you have condoms, etc.), it really hinges on you being relaxed and in control of the interaction. If you freak out over minor alterations in plans or unexpected factors, you will fail miserably at logistics.Logistics and follow-up also require a lot of aggression. The more aggressive you are in pushing the interaction forward, the less time there will be for logistical interruptions and the more tenacious you will be in your follow up game.Finally, doing well on day 2’s requires all of the above skills as well as skill #3 — what the community adoringly refers to as “building comfort” or Mystery once called “babysitting.”In reality, this is where the meat of the interaction comes and this skill, in a nutshell, will determine how soon and how often you will have opportunities to close girls. If your logistics and follow-up game are rock-solid, you’ll be laying almost every girl who picks up your phone call and successfully pulling more often for SNL’s.If you lack the aggression or the tenacity, your logistics and follow-up will suffer and you’ll constantly face, “the one that got away” scenarios.Skill #6: Physicality and Sex — If skill #5 determines your opportunities to close, skill #6 is the actual act of closing.I say physicality to involve all aspects of kino’ing and being good at foreplay and finally being good in bed.Here’s a fact: It’s impossible to lay a girl if you do not touch her and touch her aggressively.The better you are at it, the more it will accelerate the interaction and the more options you’ll have in managing the interaction and/or relationship.Being good at foreplay and sex will determine your return rate and eliminate LMR. It will also put you in a better position to manage the relationships after you lay the girl — creating more FB’s, MLTR’s or getting a girlfriend much easier.The biggest thing that puts the skids on this skill is sexual anxiety. A lot of guys will talk themselves out of golden opportunities over and over and over for no other reason than that they lack the sexual confidence to push the interaction forward.Here’s some news: girls are usually just as nervous as you, if not more. If someone doesn’t take the risk and try to make something happen, nothing is ever going to happen. So very similarly to overcoming approach anxiety, conquering sexual anxiety is a matter of throwing yourself into the situations and doing it repeatedly.
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