Primal 90 System
Primal 90 System
[Webrip – 46 MP4, 10 MP3, 4 RTF]
Half the size of this: it includes 10 of the webinars as part of the system.35 World-Leading Experts Have Joined Together to Create a Complete, Stress-Free SYSTEM That Will Cause You To Overcome Your Health, Weight and Lifestyle Problems– By Giving You the Very Best Information On The Planet… And MOST IMPORTANTLY Showing You A Step-By-Step Plan To MAKE CERTAIN You Take Massive Action To Transform Your Mind and Body.To: Anyone Who Is Concerned About Their Health – Now and in the FutureRE: How To Actually Use The Knowledge Of The World’s Foremost Experts To Successfully Transform Your Life.Dear Friend, If you struggle with weight issues and health problems then you probably feel let down by all the superficial ‘fixes’ out there in the market… The three of us have been there too… So listen, whatever you’re feeling…It’s Not Your FaultEven if you feel that your poor health and lifestyle choices are keeping you weak, stuck and unhealthy, it doesn’t matter… What DOES matter though… is what you do next—and that is why this could be the most important letter you’ve ever read. Do you feel worried that every time you ‘fix’ one health issue another one appears in its place? Do you feel frustrated every time you lose weight and quickly see it reappear? Do you suffer from disruptive sleeping patterns, low energy levels and negative moods swings? Are you concerned that life is never heading in the direction you want it to? Do you feel worried about your future health and wellbeing if things keep going the same way? Do you miss spending quality time with friends, loved-ones or even your kids because of your lack of energy?Look, we’ve ALL been there and we truly understand your frustration and struggle. Do one quick favor for us: Grab a pen and a piece of paper and write this down:“This is the exact moment my life changed forever and I finally began to reclaim health and my happiness.”Now, post that message to yourself somewhere so you’ll see it every day because 3 months from now, you’ll remember reading this letter and you’ll know that, indeed, this was the moment that changed everything.This is the day you discovered…THE PRIMAL90 TOTAL MIND-BODY TRANSFORMATION SYSTEMHere’s what’s included…The Primal90 Mind-Body Expert InterviewsWe set out to revolutionize online health events. And, thanks to you, we did just that.Instead of 24 hours to watch 4, 5 or even 6 hours of summit interviews, we gave the general public over 72 hours of free access for every single video.And we weren’t done there. Tens of thousands of you thought the interviews were so powerful, so life-changing that you wanted one more chance to watch.We delivered! Instead of replaying just a few videos for one day, we responded by extending the event for an entire week and reshowing each and every transformational interview.Building a new, healthier, happier lifestyle that is permanent cannot happen overnight.But you can radically transform your health in 90 days……And by ‘radically’ I mean:…In 90 days you will look back at where you were with a lightness of spirit, a spring in your step, and a strength you have never known before… and you will breathe a HUGE sigh of relief that… you will never have to be back there again.Primal90 Is Your One-Stop Total Health Repair ShopHere are just some of the specific conditions you could see an improvement in: Hormone Imbalances metabolic Dysfunction (Diabetes/Insulin Resistance) Insomnia Depression Anxiety Digestive Problems Fatigue Brain Fog Muscle-Building/Weight Loss Stress Reduction Lack Of Kitchen Knowledge/Cooking Ability Confusion At The Grocery Store Difficulty Finding Sources Of Healthy Food Dietary Confusion Toxicity/Detoxification Inflammation Your World-Class Primal 90 ExpertsDr. Terry WahlsHOW TO REVERSE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE AND SUPERCHARGE YOUR MITOCHONDRIA WITH NUTRIENT-DENSE REAL FOODReed DavisHOW TO IDENTIFY HIDDEN STRESS AND HOW IT CAN BE SIDETRACKING YOUR HEALTHY LIFEstyleMira and Jayson CaltonHOW MICRO-NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY CAN BE ROBBING YOUR HEALTH AND HOW TO OVERCOME ITJennifer FugoHOW TO EAT HEALTHY AND GLUTEN FREE WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANKEmma LaneIDENTIFYING AND OVERCOMING LEAKY GUT, PARASITES, FUNGUS AND OTHER ISSUESKeith NorrisHOW TO SAFELY BEGIN WEIGHT TRAINING AND THE 5 QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU STARTJason SpencerHOW TO LEAD WITH YOUR HEART TO BUILD HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMSDan HellmanTHE IMPORTANCE OF PROPER BREATHING AND POSTURE AND WHY YOU SHOULD WORK ON YOUR CORE RATHER THAN YOUR “6-PACK”Todd KuslikisHOW TO GET FIT AND B UILD BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES AND HOW TO GET STARTED AND STAY MOTIVATEDDouglas LindamoodHOW THE INDUSTRIAL FOOD SYSTEM IS LINKED TO OUR HEALTH PROBLEMS AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT ITDr. Daniel KalishTHE TRUTH YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ADRENAL FATIGUE. PLUS, BALANCE YOUR HORMONES AND NEUROTRANSMITTERSDr. Allison SiebeckerHOW TO OVERCOME SIBO AND OTHER DIGESTIVE ISSUES WITH THERAPEUTIC DIETSDr. Pedram ShojaiHOW NOT LIVING ACCORDING TO OUR NATURAL ORIGINS CAUSES STRESS AND DISEASE AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT ITDr. Sachin PatelHOW TO ACHIEVE FOREVER WEIGHT LOSS USING A WHOLE HEALTH APPROACHJP SearsHOW TO OVERCOME SELF-SABOTAGE, DEAL WITH TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS AND IMPROVE YOUR SELF-IMAGEChad & Brenda WaldingHOW SITTING TOO MUCH IS MAKING US SICK, SAD AND OVERWEIGHT AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT ITSara EyeHOW TO REPROGRAM OLD HARMFUL BELIEFS AND HAVE A SUCCESS DRIVEN MINDSETKiran KrishnanIMPROVING YOUR OVERALL HEALTH BY BALANCING YOUR GUY MICROBIOME, PLUS THE IMPORTANT TRUTH ABOUT PROBIOTICSNick WallaceFINDING HEALTHY, LOCAL FOOD, SUSTAINABLE FARMERS AND HOW TO OPT-OUT OF THE THE INDUSTRIAL FOOD SYSTEM FOR GOODDanny JHOW OVER-TRAINING AND UNDER-EATING CAN LEAD TO WEIGHT GAIN AND DISEASE AND HOW NOT TO BE A VICTIM OF YOUR PASTStefani RuperAN HONEST DISCUSSION ABOUT WEIGHT LOSS FOR WOMEN AND LOVING YOURSELFJordan ReasonerTHE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION AND HOW TO NOT FEEL OVERWHELMED WHILE HEALING YOUR GUTDr. Izabella WentzSOLVING THYROID PROBLEMS, BALANCING HORMONES AND IMPROVING YOUR HEALTH AND HAPPINESSMike MutzelHOW TO OPTIMIZE SLEEP, REDUCE STRESS AND RESTORE HEALTH AND HORMONE BALANCEDr. Corey SchulerMEN’S HEALTH AND HORMONES: WHAT YOUR DOCTOR ISN’T TELLING YOU ABOUT LOW TESTOSTERONECaitlin Weeks & Chef Nabil BoumrarCOOKING DEMO: GINGER AND FIG CHICKEN TAJINKeirsten AlanaLEARN TO EASILY MAKE FERMENTED FOODS TO BENEFIT YOUR GUT AND YOUR HEALTHOrleatha SmithHOW TO PREPARE AND COOK A MONTH’S WORTH OF HEALTHY MEALS IN FOR HOURS (and a weeks worth in one hour)Rachael PontilloIMPROVING YOUR SELF-IMAGE, PLUS, HOW TO MAKE SAFE, NON-TOXIC PRODUCTS FOR HOME AND BODYLloyd BurrellLIVING NATURALLY IN AN ELECTROMAGNETIC WORLD – HOW EMFs CAN AFFECT YOUR HEALTH AND HAPPINESSMichael McEvoyDETOX TRUTH VS. MYTH: HOW TO TRULY USE NATURAL DETOX METHODS AND SUPPORT IN A TOXIC WORLDCamille MacresCONFIDENCE IN THE KITCHEN: HOW TO CREATE HEALTHY AND DELICIOUS MEALS EVEN IF YOU’VE NEVER COOKED BEFORE upload by adishonerv69
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