Quantum Techniques – Steve & Beth Daniel – Truth Techniques III
Quantum Techniques – Truth Techniques III – Steve & Beth Daniel
[2 CDs – MP3, 1 PDF]
This new exclusive material is part of the The Greatest Advanced EFT Techniques group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: Techniques III:Clearing Emotional Issues Author: Quantum Techniques – Steve & Beth DanielPublished: 2008Description: 2 CDs ripped to 256k .MP3, 1 PDF – 31 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.Truth Techniques III:Clearing Emotional Issues Truth Techniques III provides universal healing codes for thirty-four different emotional issues:AddictionsAnxietyBitternessResentment and Overwhelm to name but a few. These codes can be used for healing acute as well as chronic emotional issues. Included is a manual that contains the codes and a CD of Stephen and Beth Daniel discussing various aspects of using the codes as well as giving pointers on specific issues. Clinical examples are included to illustrate the concepts being presented. The role of Polarity Reversal and what may cause it is also discussed along with a presentation of internal and external causes and instructions on how to clear them. The Daniels talk about why some issues return, covering the role of toxins, internal parts and conscious conflict (living in a situation in which you truly do not believe).A significant piece of the CD is a discussion on the Trauma Code and the many ways itcan be used. The Trauma Code is the most powerful generic code, developed by the Daniels, with the widest range of application. One of the beauties of using Quantum Techniques to heal trauma is that you do not have to relive a trauma or emotional situation in order to clear it with these healing treatments, and you do not have to remember details about a specific trauma. Because you are taking care of the core issue that caused the problem and not simply treating symptoms when treating emotional issues, you will experience instant relief. This code can also be used to clear generational trauma, the details of which you may be unaware. Once all aspects of the trauma have been cleared, the trauma never returns and cannot be erased energetically.The CD includes discussions on how to treat all aspects and/or symptoms of an issue as well as how to use these codes for remote healing for others and animals. There is also a discussion on Internal Parts that is critical for treating chronic issues. In addition to needing 100% of the information to treat an issue, you also need 100% internal cooperation, something you may not have if there are internal parts needing to be healed.You can learn about the role of these internal “heroes” as well as ways to contact thisinternal world for healing. The manual and CD provide a wealth of information for anyone interested in understanding and working with clearing emotional issues.The web site for this material is at:http://www.quantumtechniques.comQuantum Techniques – Truth Techniques I: [2 DVDs – Rip + 1 PDF]is posted at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to ddelias for starting this group buy and to everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeFrom the time this group buy is fully funded:Elite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen
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