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Razi Berry – Love Is Medicine Project

Love Is Medicine Project
[Webrip – 7 MP4]


What is The Love is Medicine Project?It is well established in literature that relationships of all types throughout our lifetime impact health and well being, physically and psychologically. Research shows that most chronic diseases have lifestyle and environmental causes. Beginning in childhood, even prenatally, events and relationships shape the way in which we interact with nature and the world around us. It lays the groundwork for future health and happiness.Science has come so far, but we aren’t getting any better.We have lost our way. We have become disconnected from our nature. The things most elemental to us as humans: What to eat, how to move, how to take care of ourselves and the earth have become, hard. Confusing.We read the books and consult with Google and gurus, but we don’t know how to heal. We outsource our inner wisdom, we don’t listen to our bodies.How we are loved, how we love each other and how we love and care for ourselves not only impacts chronic disease but also resilience, depression and anxiety, sleep issues and performance. Self-care is the true health care!The naturopathic philosophy honors what is called the Vital Force, that invisible force that guides all living things towards growth, betterment, compassion and healing. It is love. I believe health is our God-given birthright, our natural set point and that we are designed to thrive and heal, and are given everything in nature to do so.This journey of Love is Medicine will help you get back to who you really are so that through accepting the love around you, through practicing the self-love of self-care and self-accountability, you will heal all areas of your life.EPISODE 1: It’s NOT all in your Head   Learn from my personal story of healing   Learn how I found my catalyst for healing and how you can find your own   Understand the current paradigms in healing that focus on profits over the people they are meant to serveEPISODE 2:  How We Get Sick   How you became separated from yourself   Learning from our self destructive behaviors   Overcoming coping mechanisms that destroy our health and mental well-being   Getting to the root of the issue as opposed to treating symptoms of disease   Creating positive relationships with our environment   Understanding how technology, meant to connect us with others, separates us from ourselvesEPISODE 3: Where Healing Comes From   What the vital force is and its role in healing   How up to 80-90% of disease is caused by diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors   Creating the best environment for our bodies & mind to thrive   Learn how hormones produced in the gut affect our mood and regulate our emotions   Understanding our physiology and role of the heart, gut and brainEPISODE 4:  Healing the Past, Healing the Present   How emotional trauma can manifest in the body   How childhood traumas contribute to disease   What can we learn from the ACE Study   Learning from trauma and making space for emotional & physical healing   Addressing addictions and coping mechanismsEPISODE 5: Self-Love & Loving Others   Learn how relationships can be the protector of health   Learn how to love yourself through self-care   Understanding the vital force and our innate ability to heal   Learning to understand your worth and why it is important to invest in yourselfEPISODE 6:  The Body’s Wisdom   Understanding the body’s messages   The role of intuition in changing our habits & behaviors   Learn to go within and learn to listen to our inner voice with intention and kindness   How we have altered & adulterated our connections with each otherEPISODE 7:  Love is Medicine   What is love   How do we manifest love   Learn how love heals


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