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Release Deeper – Using Accelerated Releasing to Gain Momentum

[356 MP3s]



This is for Release Technique graduates (if you have not learned the method, then do not download this).A fellow elib user shared a great website filled with guided releasing audios from  Basically, they are attachments/aversions on all sorts of topics.I decided to download them all and put them in one easily accessible product.  So it isn’t necessary to download from this product, unless you want to download all of them all at once.  Keep in mind that if we all download a bunch of mp3s from that site, we may end up eating up all of his bandwidth, which is not a good idea This method of releasing is based on the Release Technique, and it’s a very accelerated way of releasing.  This link will explain how it’s done: my experience, it’s a good way to get to release more on demand than trying to think about them while releasing.  The process is so fast-paced that I really don’t have time to think (and therefore wander off onto tangents), so I just immediately identify the want and let it go (i.e. the 3rd way of releasing).  It is a bit uncomfortable, but I suppose if you get used to this, you’ll naturally be releasing much quicker.Since this download is massive, just select the topics you want (like the money or success ones).———————————————————————————-Return to Oneness, return to the “I” of you.Be Courageous and dig deep to find your suppressed energy.  Invite it up and Allow it to leave effortlessly.Let go of the nice feeling and Allow it to get Better.These exercises are by no means a substitute for taking The Abundance Course.  In fact, it is necessary to have mastered the material from The Abundance Course in order to gain the full benefits from the exercises on this site.   These exercises use an independently developed advanced technique called Accelerated Releasing that has been designed to intensify your focus on what you are releasing.  Instructions for this technique are at the top of the Attachments and Aversions page.  It is important to download and listen to this audio first and learn the technique.  Lester Levenson designed the Release Technique to corner your resistance and help you achieve Self Realization, or Freedom.  It was originally known as The Sedona Method and is taught today by Hale Dwoskin.  It is also known today as The Abundance Course by Larry Crane, a disciple and close personal friend of Lester for 22 years.————————————————————————–Visit and donate to the creator of these audios!


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