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Rich Bryda – Brute Force Push-Ups How to do 100 Push-Ups Every Day and Build a Powerful Chest in 1 Month

Brute Force Push-ups by Rich Bryda


If you want a 15-minute “crash course” on how to get a huge, “alpha male” chest without lifting weights (or even breaking a sweat) then this book will show you how.It’s called:”Brute Force Push Ups”And it was written by world class fitness leader Rich Bryda.As the title says, this short, easy-to-read book is ALL about pushups.But don’t let that fool you into thinking you can’t have a big, “tank-like” chest. Fact is, all the old time body builders used this simple exercise. And today the world’s top athletes (like the great Herschel Walker) do this exercise to get ripped without doing a single bench press.You can, too.Even if you have “bad genetics.”And even if you have a puny “sizzle chest” that’s flat as a pancake now.The reason why the formula inside this book works is due to a secret neurological trick discovered by some smart Russian Special Forces soldiers (now used by certain eastern European body builders and other top athletes “in the know”).It’s fast, too.You do not need to spend more than a few minutes per day on them.And, as you’ll see, this workout is NOT based on sweating, straining or needing to be disciplined. (It’s perfect for “lazy” guys.)Here are some of the benefits you’ll get from this book:Do over 100 push ups per day with ease. (And in as little as 10 minutes.)Build a powerful “button popping” chest in just 30 days. (You may even have to get new shirts — as you literally could pop the buttons off any tighter shirts you own now!)Develop a bigger chest than weight lifters who can bench 400+ pounds.Never have to spend money on a gym or equipment.Have the kind of “alpha male” chest women can’t help but notice and want to touch and hug. (Women go crazy over men with big chests since you’ll make them feel safe.)Prevent weight lifting injuries. (If you are already a weight lifter, doing pushups will strengthen your core and the tendons you use for the bench, making you almost impervious to injury.)Neurologically “program” your entire body to get stronger without ANY struggle or strain whatsoever.Build rock solid abs over time. (Push ups naturally work your abs — and by doing 100+ a day your abs will get a great work out too.)And much, much more…Bottom line?There’s an art and science to doing push ups like this.Everything from hand placement… to exactly how many reps (and sets) to do… to how much rest to take and on what exact days to do them… to exactly how to do them in a way where you use your neurology to increase your strength all at the same time.You won’t learn this in high school gym or from anyone in a weight room. These secrets are used by a few, “elite” athletes, weight lifters and Special Forces soldiers in Russia and Europe.They can get you ripped.They can get your body lean and powerful.And they can make you stand out in a crowd with a big, developed chest women (and jealous guys) can’t help but be in awe of.More:If you buy “Brute Force Pushups” TODAY, you’ll get this bonus book:”Brute Force Pull-Ups”If you’re going to develop a big chest, you might as well develop a big “v-shaped” back, too. And this book shows you how to use the same principles in “Brute Force Pushups” to build a huge “gorilla-like” back in just a matter of weeks.And let’s face it:With a big chest AND back you will dominate any room you walk into.Women won’t be able to look away and even seasoned weight lifters (who spend hours per day in the weight room) will beg you to tell them your secret.Plus, it’s all based on SCIENCE.Hard science that’s been proven to work for small “runt like” guys as well as veteran athletes looking for an edge.Grab “Brute Force Pushups” today and “Brute Force Pulls Ups” is yours free.


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