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Richie Grannon – The Full Street Fight Secrets Big Library

Street Fight Secrets
[16 – WMV, 12 MP4, 37 – MP3, 5 eBooks- PDF]


The Full Street Fight Secrets Big Library1.Streetfightsecrets Manual – Ebook outlining philosophy and techniques of the street fight secrets system2. 6 Seconds of Extreme Violence – 2 DVD video download of hardcore extreme close quarters combat3. Violent Intent Training drills – 2 DVD video download drills for hardcore extreme close quarters combat4. Core Visualisation – Audio Tutorial for mentally reconditioning you to overcome fear and develop aggression5. Thug-Jitsu – DVD video download, modelling the street fight strategies of criminal thugs6. Predator Mindset – 3 CD Audio Tutorial download to train you into a more aggressive, proactive mindset7. Core Game Plan “Recovery” : DVD video tutorial about what to do if your initial strategy does not work8. Core Game Plan “Deconstructed”: DVD video tutorial – what to do if you face someone with some martial arts training9. 4 Pillars – Audio Tutorial of NLP state management techniques for combatives10. “Real World Violence” – 40 minutes of video Download: how to design your own street fight drills that train you to handle real world violence11. “Combative Principles” – a DVD worth of video downloads; application of simple combative principles to drastically improve performance!12. Combative Solo Drills and Train at Home – 3 DVDs worth (40 mins each approx) of video tutorials how to train alone if you cant go to the gym or dojo13. Generic Combative Response : DVD video tutorial download; the GCR a multidimensional, pan situational ergonomic response to any violence, any where14. Neuro Linguistics for Enhanced Combative Performance: Audio Tutorial15. Supra States: 3 CDs worth of audio tutorials – how to consciously create a split in the personality capable of handing and dealing with confrontation and violence15. Verbal Conflict: a 45 minute audio tutorial outlining the 9 key principles of skilfully handling verbal conflict16. Cage to Street : the banned moves of MMA applied as street fight tactics17. Clinch Control : takedowns, chokes and strikes from the all-important clinching range18. Social Magnetism: 1 Ebook and 2 one hour audio tutorials – how to be charming, charismatic, confident and… popular!19. Verbal Conflict Solo Drills and Instant Confidence : two Video tutorials, total run time of 1 hour 50 – very in depth explanation of applied street psychology, an excellent resource for those preparing for real world violence20. Attack the Attacker : drills techniques and applications to teach you a purely offensive strategy for the street21. Street Fight Groundwork: DVD video download (40 mins) – what happens if you go to the ground in the street22. Offensive Psychology: Audtio Tutorial : exploit your opponents psychological weak spots- great tool for handling verbal bullies and people with NPD.23 Control and Restraint : DVD video download; control and restraint techniques for doormen, but anyone can use these simple tools when a full force option is not required.24 Talking Your Way out of Trouble : 20 minute tutorial for talking your way out of trouble (if you get in on this offer now I will give you this one for free)25. Anti Bully Tactics: ebook and audio tutorial26. Ambush Attacks, DVD video tutorial how to deal with blindside attacks27. Neuro Cognitive Combative Conditioning Course – audio tutorial, the street fight secrets combative psychology syllabus28. Neuro Combative Hypnotic Reconditioning – audio tutorial, a 20 minute trance induction to overcome fear of violence and instil confidence.29. Military Mindset: Developing Mental Toughness – audio tutorial 2 hours this offer is ending soon, so get it while you still can!Its 14 hours of video training and 14 hours of cutting edge combative psychology – at nearly 30 HOURS of street fight training its a truly HUGE library of information


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