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Rick Kaselj – Spinal Health and Core Training

Spinal Health and Core Training
[11 DVDs – MP4, 8 eBook – PDF]


The Spinal Health & Core Training seminar evolved out of the horrors we saw in the gym.On a daily basis we would see people, trainers and coaches doing exercises that were classified as “core exercises” but watching their technique and program design, we could see it was more of a back injury program than a core training program.Tony, Dean, Jeff and myself got chatting about the crazy stuff we see in the gym when it comes to core training during one of our Muscle imbalances Revealed – Upper Body Edition coaching calls. We started tossing around the idea of doing a seminar on doing core training right.It took some time to book a weekend that we all could meet and share our perspectives on core training from each of our areas of expertise.We finally met up in the Great White North (the metropolis of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) and each presented a seminar on core training and spinal health.Our goal was to was to come at things through our area of expertise: Performance, Training, Rehabilitation and Assessment.We each looked at answering these questions:How? – How do we train our clients for maximal core training results while still maintain spinal health and how each of us approach clients based on our specialization.Why? – Why do we do what what we do when it comes to program design.When? – When is the right time to do core training, progress exercises, regress exercises, add other modalities, add other training techniques or refer on.Where? – Where can your clients go in order to get their core training and spinal health results. We look at the areas that we work in: clinic, fitness center, gym or strength centre.What? – Then finally we get to the exercises. What exercises to do in order to reach you performance, fitness or rehabilitation goals.Only a few trainers and coaches were able to attend the seminar, live. We did record it so you could get the information that you need to help your clients reach their core training goals while maintaining spinal health.You can check out what each of us covers in the online seminar, right here


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