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Rick Maue – Deceptions

Rick Maue -Deceptions – 1 VHS – 2 Xvid
[1 VHS – 1 Xvid]


Rick Maue – DeceptionsVideo quality:7.5Audio quality: 82 Xvids:1.performance2.explanationRick Maue thinks outside the brain. A hardcore skeptic and true lover of life, the universe and rational thought, Rick challenges people to stop moving blindly through life and to better think for themselves.As a bald guy with a pony tail, even his sense of fashion and style communicates a paradox that forces the everyday people to question the validity of what they “know” to be reality.Rick spent 20 years in corporate sales before realizing that his time was better spent on the futile attempt of saving the world from bad magic. Now he has successfully lectured to and from the four corners of the continental U.S., teaching the importance of simplicity and attention to minute detail in the construction of theatrical deception. His wife is the coolest wife on the planet, and he’ll readily (and incessantly) tell you so.-as described by Francis Menotti


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