Rikka Zimmerman – Interdimensional Being Teleclass
Rikka Zimmerman – Interdimensional Being Teleclass
[27MP3s, 2JPG, 1TXT]
Rikka Zimmerman – Interdimensional Being Teleclasselib.tech Exclusive – Do not share outside.Are you ready to tap into your INFINITE ENERGY & INFINITE WISDOM?Are you willing to receive the BOUNTIFUL & UNLIMITED support that the UNIVERSE has for YOU?Join Rikka for an OUT OF THIS WORLD 8-Week Teleclass“Interdimensional Being Teleclass”“When I’m on the phone with Rikka for a teleclass it’s like being held in arms of unconditional love. I hang up buzzing with a high vibe and my life unfolds in magical, amazing ways!” ~ Carol, CAIs there a part of you, deep inside, that KNOWS…• YOUR Daily Life could Function from Complete Freedom, Infinite Love, and Pure Magic?• You Can Experience EXHUBERANT Joy and Abundance in Every Moment?If you answered with a big vibrational “YES!” this Teleclass is for YOU!During this 8-Week Teleclass, Rikka, creator of Adventure in Oneness and internationally acclaimed speaker, author and singer/songwriter will energetically take you on the ride of your life!“I love participating in Rikka’s teleclasses! It’s like meeting up with a dear friend every week who humbly offers to share an overflowing cup of love and consciousness! My gratitude is beyond words. Rikka has made a HUGE difference in my life!” ~ JoAnne, TorontoThis Teleclass is calling to those of You on the Leading Edge of Conscious Expansion. If you’re reading this, we are DEFINITELY talking to *YOU*! Would you like to:• Stop Searching Outside Yourself• Resolve Your “Survival Mentality’ Once and For All• Release Judgments, Polarity, Limitations and Density• Re-awaken Who You Were Before You Came to this Planet• Illuminate What’s True for You• Co-create Patterns of Love and Oneness in Your Relationships• Activate the Interdimensional Intelligence and Wisdom within You• Go with the Flow in your Daily Life with Unimpeded Ease• Exponentialize your Creative Powers and Bring Anything Into Being Effortlessly• Allow your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Etheric Bodies to Be Flooded with Free-Flowing, Multi-dimensional Crystalline Light• Surrender Control and Receive the Never-Ending Support of the Universe in Every MomentThe Class Includes:• Eight 90-minute Live Calls with Rikka• Recordings of all Eight Calls• Mp3s of Rikka’s Tonings*http://oneness.rikkazimmerman.com/interdimensional-being-spe…
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