Rikky Rooksby – Melody
Rikky Rooksby – Melody.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
This is the Rikky Rooksby book on writing melodies. Please note that I do not have the CD for this book (lost long ago). If you read the Amazon.co.uk descriptions, however, you will see that many people found the example CD annoying because of the flute sound he chose to use to illustrate the melody line. Quote:The CD examples are a big letdown. The melody is played with one of those terrible flutey synth sounds, which always irritates me. You’d think he’d record with a piano or guitar, being as that’s his specialityThe fact that this book doesn’t contain a CD won’t be a problem for anyone who can either:Read standard musical notationORRead guitar tabThe Amazon.com reviews are here:http://www.amazon.com/Melody-How-Write-Great-Tunes/product-r…
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