Rion Williams – Model Magnet
Rion Williams
[4 eBooks – PDF]
Remember that the path to true greatness and effectiveness lies beneath the quick-fix surface level solutions. You’re going to have to open your mind and see things from a different angle. When you start a journey of realignment towards becoming more of who you really were meant to be, you begin to feel power and freedom as a man. You stop caring less about what women and others think of you because your strength comes from within. And when you can understand what’s been holding you back, everything will start slipping into natural alignment where it belongs. People can say what they want around you but they’ll respect you for being YOU and their body language will tell the truth (about their real response to you). My breakthrough is already being scorned by some people (who don’t even understand it albeit); that means it’s power is real because I am leading by example as well.I’m offering this to you to achieve the success in life and with dating that you know you deserve because you have stumbled upon the truth of attraction…the key to unlock your true self; to become a man of higher character that is irresistible to (all) women.The end result? A level of effectiveness that makes the entire game of attraction and success with women quite simple and consistent. This is not a collection of pick-up lines, rather the truth about attraction in reality and how to succeed with women on a scope and scale that defies any comparison (when you reach completion).Don’t even try to b.s. women, they ‘get it’. Work with them by being (through becoming) the man that they want in the first place. Women CAN’T go with a guy of low character just as much as you can’t go with a fat ugly chick. Ok, if you took one for the team once (or it’s some weird fetish) that is an exception and also about how often she’d go with a man of low character. If you haven’t been getting laid then maybe you need a dose of reality about where you stand on the character continuum. Hey, at least be man enough to be honest about where you’re at; it’s the only way you can make breakthrough change (plus it’s not all your fault anyways). But that instant response you get when you see a woman and ‘know’ that you’d never want her, it’s the same for women if a man has extremely low character. And the likewise is also true. Picture the hottest, most sexy, desirable woman you can think of. Ok, that’s what you want. Now, the other side is what she wants right? For a woman she wants a man of ideally that level of character strength who is secure in who he is (once again where looks aren’t as important to women as it is for men). And that’s a match whether he’s handsome or not. You have to bring something to the table if you expect to sleep with this level of woman. Plus, the only men who do ‘sleep with’ this level of women ARE men of high character (/even if it’s a jerk who is strong in natural and independent value but has misaligned personal values he is still leveraging off of his natural ability). In the ebook I further explain the difference between what most people define as character and how we use it here. In a social environment, a woman will be extrapolating and judging everything about your character to see if you are a match. She’ll be interested if you are (high character). She’s good at what she does and her intuition is very accurate, don’t insult her intelligence, just become the man that she wants in the first place instead of having to try and “hurry up and score before they notice” as Beavis says. And if you break a few hearts along the way (I don’t endorsethis), hey…it’s been happening the other way around hasn’t it?I will show in the Relational Model of Attraction (in the ebook) why women will respond and how they’ll respond differently to different men.When you have a high character value across the chart you’ll find that going up to women, whispering something in their ear and then kissing them is actually easier than dealing with ‘what to say’, etc.Of course when you reach that level anyways, you could say anything and it doesn’t matter. You see, it’s all about having the high character that women desire and respond to. It’s in who you are, what you represent, how you behave, and lessly what you say that will determine their level of response to you.You can trigger those deep-seeded desires by being the character of a man she desires (not just in your own independent character / personality) but by really understanding what I will be teaching in the Model Magnet system and then living it..being that man that is YOU personified.THAT is how you can multiply your success with desirable, sexy, intelligent (optional) women; by being a man of higher character.I know you haven’t heard this before because even I haven’t from anyone else; I pulled it all together with my thundercat powers.I’ve already changed my life. I want to help you change yours in the direction of where you want to go. And if the word spreads enough maybe millions of other men will grow their own character and ability to give women what they want.This is all about getting sex and women more efficient or effectively than ever, yes but it’s so much more first that you will further realize.And yes you can have respectful sexual relations with a woman (what I teach) even in one-night stands. This is the only way to fly (mutual respect, consenting adults).Anyone who says differently doesn’t understand women’s level of freedom and independence today and their right to exercise it; girls want to have fun and DON’T want to be courted by every man that they know they’re not going to marry anyways or have to worry about having a kid and mortgage with each guy they have fun with.But stepping back for a bit to really embrace the power and grow as a man of character is about the most valuable thing you could do in your life anyways besides sharing that with other people (interdependence).This was just a little preview…there is a lot more in the Ebook and I explain things in more detail from different angles as well. I want you to freely distribute this can do that.In the eBook I even show you WHY those PUA’s that are successful ‘are successful’. It’s ALL in the charts. If you want to get back to the ‘flashier’ stuff, good luck and have fun with it. Model Magnet towards the right end of the continuum is going to have some incredibly mind-opening flashy stuff that is so impossibly ridiculous you wouldn’t believe it would work. It’s a level above in ‘pick up’.If this was a little bit too much to take in at once, then just stick around because I’m going to be re-fashioning success with women w/ Model Magnet. Maybe it will even turn an industry or two inside out.You can do things the hard way or you can learn from the universal truth and leverage your way to success and much faster by learning a few counterintuitive things first that will help you be so good that you don’t even have to ‘try’ in order to get laid again. It is the invisible, deep art that virtually eliminates rejection.There’s a lot more to learn that directly and indirectly has everything to do with your future success.
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