Rita M. Hancock – The Eden Diet
Rita M. Hancock – The Eden Diet
[7 MP3, 2 JPEG]
What if you could eat whatever you wanted – even chocolate cake – stay healthy, and lose weight?In The Eden Diet, Dr. Rita M. Hancock explains why traditional, restrictive diets cause you to fail at weight control 80% of the time. They cause you to block out your God-given internal sensations of hunger and eat according to unnatural, restrictive, human rules. That is not how God the Creator designed you to eat. You were made to eat when you feel hungry – not ignore those signals and eat for emotional or intellectual reasons.Losing weight is as simple as only eating when you are hungry and then eating smaller amounts – of your favorite foods!Most importantly, The Eden Diet will teach you how to fight the temptation to eat when your body doesn’t actually need food.ReviewFinally a weight loss program that is as sound physiologically as it is spiritually….best of all you get to eat carbs again!Clark Gerhart MD Cara Brown, MDNot eating when you’re not truly hungry…eating smaller portions…eating treats occasionally…exercising more. Who can argue with those things? Dr. Hancock’s method works.Gary Ratliff, MD Internal MedicineThe Eden Diet will help you to recognize true hunger and become known as the one that can walk away from the buffet.Steve Cox, DO
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