Robert B Stone – Hypno-cybernetics
robert b stone – hypno-cybernetics.pdf
If you like the SIlva method and/or Auto hynosis, you have to try this book.i got it like 10 years ago and it really helped me with some “communication” i had it scanned just for your pleasure !Taken from Here: noted British prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, added, “The secret of success isconstancy to purpose.”This chapter translates wishes into specific purposes—goals that can be automatically programmed for attainment.Then you are assured “constancy to purpose” by programming yourself to keep on thetrack, step after accomplished step.This is Hypno-Cybernetics at its fulfilling best.MASTER MYSTIC KEYLike the Intercontinental Ballistics Missile programmed to seek out and arrive at itstarget, we, too seem born with an innate fervent desire to reach our goals. Yet many of usspend our lives in a rut, never really enjoying achievement or realizing our highest hopes.In this Power-packed chapter, based on techniques presented in their book Hypno-Cybernetics, noted hypnologist Sidney Petrie and mind-power specialist Robert B. Stone, provide you with the dynamite Power that will remove the “rut” from your programmingand substitute “goal,” so you will take off like a missile thrust.“The same with our subconscious computer,” say Petrie and Stone. “Its nervous system,like the electronics system, cannot tell the difference between something programmed to be done for the first time or something programmed to be done for the millionth time. It’s just as automatic for it to make you head of the firm you have been working for as towake you up at 6:30 a.m. for the thousandth time.”What desire would you like to have fulfilled? What do you need to brighten your life?What would you like to be? Where would you like to go? How rich would you like to be?Set your goal—the target—and let Hypno-Cybernetics (H-C) project you right to it!THE MAGIC POWER OF PRETENDINGIn the section before this you learned (among other marvelous things) how to pretend youare surrounded by glorious white Light. When you pretend with Power , you create!“How can I see myself getting a pay raise when salaries are being cut?”“Can you pretend you are getting the pay raise?”“Well, sure I can pretend, but where is that going to get me?”IT GOT HIM A BIG, FAT BONUS!A woman in Albany, New York was having a great deal of difficulty with a particularlyvicious neighbor with whom she could not contend.“She’s too evil for me,” she said.“Well, then overcome her with good. Pretend your subconscious did it.” As edited by Joshua Clayton, originally written by Sidney Petrie, Robert B. Stone and Theodor Laurence.The pretense worked! The neighbor couldn’t move away from the community fastenough! After just a few sessions, her trouble was over, and she was getting excellent H-Cresults.THE POWER OF CONTROLLED IMAGINAGTIONWith the power of Hypno-Cybernetics (H-C), you soon learn to control your imaginationto bring you amazing and delightful results in whatever you undertake. Many a Power Pretender to riches and success has achieved his wishes, desires and goals in this life. Pretend, and youbecome. Here is why:Imagine you are unwrapping a thick steak. You are setting it into a red-hot frying pan.Can you hear it sizzle? Does your mouth water? Chances are you have had to swallow as thesaliva flowed, just imagining a sizzling steak.Pretending triggers the imagination.Imagination creates behavior.Behavior forms habits.These three steps happen every day to every human being, whether they know it or not. Itis automatic. Unfortunately, many people think they are failures and proceed to live up to theitr self-image in their imagination. Then they behave like a failure and get the failure-habit.You can turn it all around.Pretend you are a millionaire, or a great lover, or a business success. Will such pretending bring you what you want out of life? YES—if you apply the power of HYpno-Cybernetics asdirected by Petrie and Stone
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