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Robert Dilts – Modeling a Healer

Robert Dilts
[2 VHS Rip]



Two incredible healers conversing, sharing and responding. Their initial meeting was during a “Modeling a Healer” project in 1994. Robert was the modeler, Judie the model. Evident to all who participated, it was only the beginning of the gleaning of valuable and evolutionary healing capacities. Here, they connect again, and provide participants a rare opportunity to interact, question, and delight in the wisdom and inspiration of ‘healers in community’.Judie has the incredible capacity to ‘read’ the physical and energetic bodies like an MRI…to see, hear and feel significant communications beyond ‘normal’ sensory awareness. She shares her gift, utilizing discoveries from the “Modeling a Healer” project and additional activities. Participants will experience opportunities to explore and develop their abilities to safely ‘open and receive’, enabling them to more skillfully facilitate healing processes.


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