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Robert Scheinfeld – Busting Loose From the Money Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can’t Win

Busting Loose From the Money Game
[1 eBook – MOBI, EPUB]



Note:  The .pdf version is on the tracker, but this is the official e-reader version.Robert Scheinfeld – Busting Loose From the Money Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can’t WinAll your life, without realizing it, you’ve been playing The MoneyGame . . . and losing. Now, finally, you can win.Are you in debt, struggling to make ends meet or fed up with nothaving enough money? Are you doing okay financially but want to domuch better? Do you feel trapped, restricted, or confined by whatit takes to sustain your success?If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’ve beenplaying The Money Game. You were taught certain rules andregulations, and you’ve been following them faithfully, never oncequestioning their validity or looking for alternatives. You canbecome better and better at playing the game. You can pile up moreand more winnings—but you can’t win. Why? Because The MoneyGame was designed to be unwinnable.No matter how much money you pile up, there’s always a price topay in the form of restrictions, stress, relationship strain,health issues, disillusionment, and other problems—that is, ifyou play according to the rules and regulations you were taught.The only way to win The Money Game is to bust loose from italtogether, discard the rules and regulations you thought you hadto play by, and start playing a new game with a new set of rulesthat work for you.Busting Loose from The Money Game will make money a totalnon-issue in your life. Once you bust loose, there will be no moreworrying about bills or balancing your checkbook. No more denyingyourself what you really want because it’s too expensive. No moreasking yourself “Can I afford this?” or “Should I buy that?” Nomore complexity, worry, or stress that comes from trying to manage,grow, and protect what you’ve piled up. Once you bust loose, therewill be no limits or restrictions of any kind when it comes tomoney. And when you reach that point, the other aspects of yourlife will open up and expand too—in ways you can’t evenimagine right now.Sound unbelievable? It’s actually very real and absolutelydoable—when you have the guidance this book will give you. Nomatter what you think you know about money, wealth, prosperity, andabundance, or how many books and tapes you’ve bought or seminarsyou’ve attended on the subject, Busting Loose from The Money Gamewill open a portal to a new relationship with money and a radicallydifferent way of living.


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