Robert Siegel – Therapy Audio
Robert Siegel Therapy Audio
[1 CD – WMA]
Robert Seigel “Robert Siegel, author of these personal hypnosis programs, has created a series of hypnotic recordings which irresistably lure the listener on a journey inwards…to the metaphorical realms of the unconscious mind.Using tales and legends compiled from the world’s ancient cultures, the listener’s conscious mind becomes effortlessly absorbed within the entrancing narration, the skillful weave of hypnotic language patterns and metaphorical scenarios ensuring that the listener’s unconscious mind receives highly beneficial suggestions for encouraging positive change!Having been a professional hypnotherapist for many years, and aware of the many styles and interpretations of hypnosis, Robert’s presentation is of the magic storyteller – entertaining, captivating, and mesmerizing. Included are all the ideal components for creating in the listener numerous potentials for learning and change.These programs are not the “run of the mill” standardized processes that seem to proliferate, which thus insures Robert’s place as a highly talentedand creative hypnotic author.”Nathan Marika 8 Hypnosis Sessions on one CD !! This CD offers 8 different Hypnosis sessions in MP3 format – to play from your computer (comes with MP3 player) or for loading onto your portable MP3 player – to play where you will. Excellent value!1. – BE CONFIDENT – Be fortified with tremendous resources of confident energy. Sense your new positive expectancy – the exhilarating, liberating feeling that you can create the life you always dreamed!!!2. – LOSE WEIGHT & STAY IN SHAPE – Liberate your natural motivation to eat the right foods when really hungry – and be guided toward a thinner… firmer…healthier…and more gratifying life!!!3. – STOP SMOKING – Release your natural, compelling desire to breathe freely, and live with more energy…vitality! Sense a potent relaxing force guiding you to be a permanent fresh, clean air breather!!4. – BE RELAXED – Enjoy a more enlightened life-perception! Once stressful times now perceived as opportunities to keep your composure… your body naturally responding with that wonderful feeling of relaxation!5. – DRAW LOVE INTO YOUR LIFE – Enjoy the self-assured freedom to express what’s uniquely beautiful about you! Sense…your renewed confidence naturally attracting that romantic relationship into your life!!!6. – BE A MASTER MIND – SUPER LEARNER – Recapture the excitement of the learning adventure – and finally realize your infinite learning potential! Expand your memory – and creative capabilities!!!7. – DRAW PROSPERITY INTO YOUR LIFE – Finally actualize your life’s true potential – that aspiration that makes you feel most alive!! Powerfully draw more prosperity – into your more enriching life!!!8. – MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE – Be fortified with renewed resolution and release your resourcefulness to surmount any life challenge. Sense your strong, positive conviction: You can achieve your dreams!
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