Roger Haeske – Lightning Speed Fitness
Lightning Speed Fitness
[6 MP3s, 1 WMV, 3 PDFs, 1 DOC]
Because some people asked me for this:Lightning Speed Fitness Program Benefits: 1. Burn fat rapidly — while building functionally strong muscles for anysport. 2. Explode your energy levels by increasing your ability to use moreoxygen. 3. Unleash your top running speed, without doing sprints. 4. Build powerful and muscular legs with just one easy exercise. 5. Increase your metabolism and lose weight. 6. Jump higher and increase your agility and balance. 7. Get in pro athlete shape in about 15 minutes per day. 8. Save money by not buying expensive exercise gadgets from infomercials. 9. Exercise anywhere: Don’t waste time driving to a gym when you canworkout at home, outside or in your hotel room. 10 Get fit fast, by using the biggest muscles in your body. 11 Burn an extra 225 to 500 calories per day. 12. Strengthen your knees, including the tendons and ligaments. 13. Get a superior aerobic workout. 14. No bulky exercise equipment that takes up space and that you’ll neveruse. 15. Can be done anywhere you can stand up. 16. Learn and use this exercise in only five minutes. 17. Win more often at any sport like basketball, baseball, football ortennis. 18. Feel young again by releasing 500% more human growth hormone. 19. Detoxify your body through super deep breathing. 20. Boost your self-esteem and build sexy buns of steel. 21. Perfect travel workout; do it anywhere you can stand up with yourbuilt in exercise machine. 22. Workout your legs, butt, abdominal muscles, knees. Lower back andankles with one exercise. 23. Get a natural high through the release of endorphins. 24. Discover the other bodyweight exercise that will build up andstrengthen your upper body, arms, back and abs. 25. Build a beautiful, muscular, strong and functionally fit body withonly 2 types of exercises in lightning speed time. I’ve also included a separate purchase I made of the Childlike Energy Secret. This was not included in the Lightning Fitness program.
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