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Roger Nix – Fierce Relaxation

Fierce Relaxation
[WebRip – 7 PDF, 8 MP3, 1 M4A, 4 MP4, 4 RTF]


**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of theRobert Glover GBGB Thread: GB is ClosedFierce Relaxation is a four-week, online class intended to support men and women using Dr. Robert Glover’s program for recovering Nice Guys. Fierce Relaxation is especially for men and women who experience a high level of anxiety that may be interfering with their recovery process. I am Roger Nix, a Certified No More Mr. Nice Guy Coach. I am also a recovering Nice Guy and have suffered from severe anxiety most of my life. I understand how it limits your life. In this course, I will provide you with practical, nontechnical information and practices to deal with the chronic anxiety and fear that are limiting your ability to recover and get what you want in life. The tools of Fierce Relaxation will train you to regulate your anxiety and shift from external validation to self-validation. These tools have worked for me and many others. I know they can help you too.


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