Romilla Ready & Kate Burton – Neuro-Linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies
Romilla Ready & Kate Burton – Neuro-Linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies (2008)(OCR).pdf
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This exclusive book is one of the bonuses / incentives for the “Rare NLP group buy”.This group buy is still open and the forum is listed at: Programming Workbook For DummiesAuthors: Romilla Ready & Kate BurtonPublished: 2008Book Description: 283 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.If you are one of the millions of people who have already discovered the power of NLP, Neuro-linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies will allow you to perfect its lessons on how to think more positively and communicate more effectively with others.This workbook is packed with hands-on exercises and practical techniques to help you make the most of NLP’s toolkit for new thinking and personal change. These can have an impact on many aspects of your life: from helping you change your negative beliefs, to building rapport and influencing others, to taking charge of the direction your life is taking. Take your understanding of NLP to the next level, and reap the benefits.Neuro-linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies includes:Getting Your Mindset Right with NLPSetting Sound GoalsRecognising Your Unconscious ValuesRecognising How You Distort Thinking Developing Personal RapportManaging Your Emotions and ExperiencesChanging Habits and Modeling SuccessRecognizing What WorksAdapting Language with metamodeling and the Milton ModelRomilla Ready is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming, and is the director of Ready Solutions, which was founded in 1996. She runs professionally developed workshops across a range of areas and has trained clients in the UK and overseas, using her cross-cultural skills to build rapport between different nationalities. Romilla has been interviewed on local radio and has had articles on stress management and applications of NLP published in the press.Kate Burton is an NLP coach and trainer who enables individuals and organizations to focus their energy effectively. Her business career began in corporate advertising and marketing with Hewlett-Packard. Since then she has worked with many varied businesses across industries and cultures on how they can be great communicators. What she loves most is delivering custom-built training and coaching programs. She thrives on supporting people in boosting their motivation, self-awareness and confidence. Her belief is that people all have unique talents, abilities and core values. The skill is about honoring them to the full.Romilla Ready’s web site is at: Burton’s web site is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks for all the support for this group buy! “The Place” is the best!I really appreciate everyone who is supporting this group buy and I’m happy to add more NLP bonuses to this group buy.This group buy is still open and is the forum is listed at: of the “Rare NLP Group Buy”: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute to the “Rare NLP Group Buy”These are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen
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