Ron Martin – Palm Readers Notebook
Ron Martin – Palm Readers Notebook.pdf
[ 1 eBook – PDF ]
Quote:THE BLURB:A Multi-Faceted Approach to Palm ReadingsThe Classic Text on Palm ReadingsHere’s the scoop on Ron’s PALM READER’S NOTEBOOK: it is, inthis not-so-humble writer’s opinion, the best book for palmreaders — bar none. I say this purely from personalexperience, having.compiled a huge library on palmistrytexts in my search for the “perfect” book on the subject.And despite the fact that there are many fine books outthere on the subject, Ron’s book is the one that finallyconvinced me, after several years of searching, thatpalmistry was probably the best — and most practical –form of reading out there.This book is perhaps the most significant text on palmreading to ever be published for the professional community.Take a look at a partial listing of contents:• A Very Quick Way To Learn To Read Palms • Two Lectures onHands • The Pure Science Stuff • General Hand Shapes • NailsClues • Hand Body Language • Touch, Rub & Retouch (BraillePalmistry) • Table Set Up • “Private” Readings • NursesLines • Heart Line • The Simian Line And The Quadrangle •Heart Line & Relationships • A Heart Line Hit • AssigningDates On The Heart Line • Girdle Of Venus • Head Line • TheMount Of Neptune • Writer’s Fork • Life Line • Headache Line• Health, Generally • Left Hand Life Line • Bracelets •Worry Lines • Thumb/ Pollex • More Lines • Fame Line •Escape Lines • Money • Travel Lines • Loop Of Humor •Survivor’s Bump • Religious/ Philosophic Finger •Philosopher’s Hands • Marriage Lines • Children’s Lines •Fear • Getting Them Out Of The Chair • Ethics • The KenSystem • A Couple Rune Variations • The Aura ResearchProject • Putting It All TogetherEasily the only book on palm reading you’ll ever need, thereis a TON of information in this book, and with no fluff orfiller whatsoever.”But Wait, There’s More…”If all the PALM READER’S NOTEBOOK did was teach you how togive dynamite palm readings (which it certainly does), itwould be worth every penny, and then some. But like many ofhis other books (one title — CASUAL LITTLE MIRACLES,co-authored with Larry Baukin — springs to mind), Ronincludes a whole lot more… including how to incorporatehandwriting analysis, numerology, psychometry, and runesinto your palm readings, allowing you to tailor yourreadings for practically any occasion… from short,walkaround appearances to full-length readings suitable forpsychic fairs or office work.If you’ve ever wanted to add palmistry to your arsenal, butwere put off by its ‘occult’ associations, Ron will show youhow to present it in the light of modern science, making itperhaps one of the soundest of all available systems forreadings. Ron’s very logical explanation of how palmistryworks was actually the basis for the workshops that Ipresented for many years, and even skeptics I’ve read forhave invariably nodded their heads and said, “That makes alot of sense!”.What is The KEN System PLUS?At the heart of Ron’s flexible approach to palm readings isthe “KEN System PLUS”, his expanded version of theground-breaking system popularized by Ken de Courcy manyyears ago. As good as the original KEN System was, Ron takesit to a whole new level, allowing you to add layer uponlayer of material that you will be able to remember anddescribe — for each client — even if you see them yearslater! Imagine what an impression that will make, and how itwill cement your reputation as “the real thing”… if that’swhat you’re going for, of course. If you use only a coupleof Ron’s ideas, your readings will be fuller, more’psychic,’ and more individualized and personal for eachclient.Bigger . . . Better … And Now On CD!The original PALM READER’S NOTEBOOK, as it was published 15years ago, was a massive book, especially when you considersome of the exceedingly thin manuscripts that pass for”books” these days. And, as good as the original was (andmake no mistake about it, the original is still way beyondanything like it), this new edition is even better.For starters, Ron has updated and expanded what was alreadya very solid textbook on the subject of readings to an evenbigger (238 pages) and better step-by-step course on how todo it right.There’s also a completely new section on handwritinganalysis which, if you think about it, is a no-braineraddition to help round out your full-length readings.If you’re looking for scripting ideas for your readings,you’ll find tons of them in here — page after page ofreal-world lines that Ron has honed for maximum impact overthe course of his 20+ years as a professional reader. Now,we’re not suggesting that you actually memorize any of theselines and deliver them verbatim, but it sure is nice to seehow someone with Ron’s years of experience handles theissues that will inevitably come up in your own readings.Add to all of the above the fact that an authorized editionof the PALM READER’S NOTEBOOK has been next-to-impossible toobtain for some time now (although there have been plenty ofunauthorized versions — but don’t get me started on thataspect of the business). I’ve actually lost count of thenumber of requests we’ve received for this release, and nowyou can add it to your library, secure in the knowledge thatyou’re dealing with the exclusive distributor of theauthor’s work.The Search Is OnThe new and improved PALM READER’S NOTEBOOK is now availableexclusively in digital form as an Adobe PDF e-book, offeringa benefit that anyone who has the TAROT READER’S NOTEBOOK indigital form will recognize immediately. . . searchability!So if you want to find all of the references to the HeartLine, for example, all you have to do is enter the words”heart line”into the Search field, and Adobe Reader listsall occurances of the word, with the surrounding context aswell. Not only is this an incredible time-saver, but itallows you to study any aspect of palmistry in the bookwithout worrying that you’re overlooking a key element.Of course, some people prefer the printed page over thecomputer screen, and there’s nothing to prevent them fromprinting out some or even all of the book. Luckily, it’seasy to print an Adobe document, either from your owncomputer’s printer or your nearest print/copy shop.Bonuses? Of Course.Included on the PALM READER’S NOTEBOOK CD are 7 bonus files:(1) AURA HANDOUT #1: With this handout, each client gets akeepsake that illustrates their own personal aura, as yousee and interpret it. Designed for use in readings that aretable-based (psychic fair or office work, for example), twoversions are included on the CD — Adobe PDF and MicrosoftWord (so you can customize it to your heart’s content,including your contact info and bio).(2) AURA HANDOUT #2: This is basically the same handout asAURA HANDOUT #1, but sized smaller so it’s easier to use forwalkaround and impromptu work. Like AURA HANDOUT #1, bothPDF and Microsoft Word versions are included on the CD.(3) KEN SYSTEM CUE SHEET: We’ve condensed much of theinformation Ron covers in the book into a single page thatis invaluable for those moments when you’re looking for theright thing to say. Like the AURA HANDOUTS, both PDF andMicrosoft Word versions are included, so as you develop yourown interpretations, you can add them to the cue sheet!(4) RON MARTIN’S PALMISTRY CHART: Although the book includesa full-page chart to help you learn all of the various linesand features of the palm, we thought it would be even morehelpful if we included a free-standing chart that could beused side-by-side with each page as you study. You couldeven display this on your table, and use it as a”hide-in-plain-sight” cue sheet, so you don’t forget whichlines you want to cover in each reading.MY COMMENTS:For those who want to get into palm readings, this is acomplete, comprehensive course that makes it very easy tolearn and begin doing palm readings. The blurb is quiteaccurate in what is contained, though it doesn’t mentionthat there is a pleasant surprise that Ron often adds atouch of handwriting analysis to begin his palm readings. There is a wonderful chapter on the basics of graphology,just enough to serve as an appetizer to the main course, thepalm reading itself. Other than that, peruse the blurb tosee everything you get. All you need to need to know isthat Loren Tindall knows how to put together a stunningpackage filled with wonderful, extra tools and value andthat Ron Martin’s book is a classic. In addition to thisbeing a welcome update, those two facts combined shouldconvince anyone interested in palm reading, or those whohave Ron Martin’s earlier book, to add this to theirlibrary.Product Page:
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