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Ron White – Memory In A Month Comprehensive Workbook

Memory in a Month Workbook.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


This is the Workbook of the Memory in a Month Course by Ron White, which can be downloaded here separately.                               only 10 minutes a day for 30 consecutive days you can transform your mind from forgetful to unbelievable! Learn how to talk for hours without notes, memorize chapters of books word for word, and routinely memorize 100 digit numbers after hearing them only once!Would you like to be able to:    * Recall names and faces?    * Give speeches without notes?    * Retain information from workshops or training classes?    * Be able to hear 65 words once and then be able to repeat them forwards, backwards or by number?    * Recall information from books you read?    * Improve your grades and study skills? Includes 6 CDs and a comprehensive workbook.Plus, BONUS! Get a free copy of Ron White’s popular book, 22 Success Lessons from Baseball, with your purchase of Memory in a Month!Ron White is a two-time U.S. Memory Champion (2009 and 2010) and has spent over a decade training business professionals and students on how to improve their memory, grades and income. He has appeared on many television programs, including the Martha Stewart Show, broken a variety of memory records, been a guest on over 50 radio programs in the United States and Canada, and appeared in print articles across the country.In just 10 minutes a day for thirty consecutive days Ron will show you how incredible your memory really is. Ron will teach you a 2000 year old technique developed by the Romans called “Loci.” This ancient system utilizes skills that we are all born with, but few know how to use. You will learn how to use this system to train your mind to access and retrieve information just like your computer. After you complete this program you will be able to store data in your memory for retrieval later.Day 1 – History of memory trainingDay 2 – Basic Association definition and usesDay 3 – Chain of Association definition and usesDay 4 – Introduction to the Roman “Loci” methodDay 5 – Create mental file cabinets to store dataDay 6 – Apply memory techniques to foreign languagesDay 7 – Learn to use ‘loci’ to recall information from booksDay 8 – Retain abstract data such as math formulasDay 9 – Create 20 files to use for storing 20 random itemsDay 10 – Memorize a 20 line poem forwards and backwardsDay 11 – Learn to give presentations without notesDay 12 – Learn to recall abstract dataDay 13 – Practice giving speeches without notesDay 14 – More practice with learning foreign languagesDay 15 – Introduction to advanced memory trainingDay 16 – Learn to hear a 20 digit # once and retain itDay 17 – More practice recalling numbersDay 18 – Learn to recall names and facesDay 19 – Learn to recall names and faces continuedDay 20 – Learn to recall names and faces continuedDay 21- Learn to recall names and faces continuedDay 22 – Learn to recall dates and appointmentsDay 23 – Use mental memory graph to remember maps or locationsDay 24 – Fun Memory GamesDay 25 – Use your files to recall 20 random words heard onceDay 26 – Recall directions, more training on numbers and namesDay 27 – Build and review your 65 mental filesDay 28 – Create 26 new files to store dataDay 29 – Memorize the preamble to the ConstitutionDay 30 – Summarize the memory system and prepare for the future with your new techniques!Your mind is incredible. If you cannot do these things you are not living up to your potential.”I went from a skeptic to a believer.” – L. Shackelford”The memory course led by Ron White, is the most intriguing, valuable and worthwhile course I have ever attended.” – B. Gustaffson”I wish this course had preceeded all the other workshops I sunk good money into!” – M. Hord”I attended Ron White’s live training and I have never invested my money more wisely.”I recently purchased Ron White’s “Memory in a Month” from your website, and I think it’s ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! Thank you for offering this outstanding product, and I hope you can promote this product because everyone needs to acquire increased memory skills for the 21st century!! – Joe


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