Rori Raye – Toxic Men
Rori Raye – Toxic Men
[6 CDs – 63 MP3s]
Description“Is Your Man Breaking Your Heart? Find Out If He’s Just Difficult Or All-Out Toxic… And What You Can Do – Starting Today – To Transform Him Into The Loving And Caring Partner You Deserve…”Rori RayeHi, this is Rori.For most of my life I fell in love with all the wrong men.The more difficult a man was, the more exciting he was to me.I remember one man – I was head over heels in love with him and spent so much of my time and energy on him – who wasn’t just difficult, he was all-out TOXIC.Even though he seemed like a dream-come-true when I first met him.In fact, we had everything in common – the same interests, the same careers – but even more amazing, we had the same ENERGY.We both talked fast, we were both so enthusiastic and demonstrative. It was totally thrilling from the first moment.And for a long time, he was so attentive.He’d call me every day. He’d bring flowers to all our dates.He called me “precious” and said it was the first time he’d ever understood the MEANING of the word “precious.”I was knocked over.It all scared me because I’d never felt that much with a man – and so strongly and intensely.I was afraid I’d get hurt, but I just pushed it all aside and jumped in completely. I allowed him into my mind and into my heart. I was convinced he was “The One”And then my worst fears started becoming real. He started complaining about me – from the clothes I wore to the way I stood, to how I did ANYTHING.He made me feel ugly, and unsexy, and unwanted – and he did it with his merciless sense of humor.Every complaint came out as a put-down.People around us would laugh, because he was funny.I laughed, because it was funny and because I didn’t want to look like a “poor sport.”All of a sudden I felt like I had to walk on eggshells around him, which made me feel small and weak, and powerless.He stopped caring about what I really wanted or how I felt about something he wanted to do. He just seemed unhappy with me, and too preoccupied with his own thoughts and plans to worry about me – to even CONSIDER me or my feelings – and that made me feel unworthy and unloved.But because I’d already invested so much time and energy and love in him, and because everyone we knew saw us as a “couple,” I just let it go on…and on…and on.I found myself completely bound up in this relationship, unable to understand what was really happening to us… and to me.I kept telling myself that because I loved him, he could make me happy if only I knew how to make HIM happy.I kept trying to change the way I acted or talked around him, in hopes that I could “smooth things over” and make him love me more.I kept blaming myself all the time, because I decided it was all MY responsibility and that it was all happening because I wasn’t strong enough to handle the situation and make it right.He would tell me that the real problem was that it was impossible to make me happy. And I started to believe him!After a while, I realized I wasn’t the same woman I was before we met. I used to feel enthusiastic about life and love. Instead, I had become an obsessed, miserable and anxious person.Yet, even though I felt frustrated, hurt and confused, I would tell myself I loved him and that he was the man I wanted to be with forever.I kept reminding myself and thinking about all the good things that kept me wanting him…He would be so intense and romantic one day… then ignore me for days afterward.He would talk about all the wonderful things he wanted us to do together, and I would feel like there was something to look forward to… but a few weeks later he’d get “amnesia” and nothing changed.He would make me laugh and feel lighthearted… and then say something cruel and condescending right after.I was totally drained from the roller coaster yo-yo of emotions, feeling happy and connected one day when he was being loving and attentive – to feeling the ground drop under me when he disappointed me yet again with an unkind word, an angry glance, or the cold sting of his obvious withdrawal.As a matter of fact, the way he made me feel when things were GOOD between us was part of the big reason I couldn’t seem to LET IT GO no matter how BAD things got.I Was Afraid To Leave My Toxic ManWhen you’re in the kind of addictive, Toxic Relationship like I was, letting go can be difficult for a lot of reasons.For me, it felt like I would be giving up “too soon.” There was always something I was trying to do to make things better, and the “perfect relationship” with him was just around the corner if I just stuck with it…And the more I stuck with it, even worse thoughts started to come up to the surface. A scared little voice in my head would ask, “What if there’s nothing better out there?”I’d think, “Maybe ALL men need a little ‘help’ and all relationships are difficult once in a while. It’s the good times and the good feelings that matter.”I had myself convinced I could have a great relationship if I just kept trying, worked harder, and kept my feelings to myself.I even succeeded in STOPPING my feelings from ever being felt in the first place.I didn’t feel like “myself” with this man. I could never relax, and I could never count on any CONSISTENT good feelings in the relationship.Instead of feeling strong and composed, I felt lost and weak. I was obsessed and jealous so much of the time.I’d reached a very, very low point in my life. I was down a dark, deep hole, and I couldn’t see a way out.I’d lost faith in love, I’d lost faith in relationships, and I’d lost faith in myself.And then, I just finally couldn’t ignore it anymore. I knew SOMETHING had to change.I had to find my way back to the strong, courageous and joyous woman I used to be. I had to figure out how to fix things for good – or I had to leave for good.How I Broke The Pattern Of Toxic Relationships So I Could Feel Loved And Supported… ForeverI was at rock bottom, feeling helpless and without any faith at all that anything better would ever happen to me… when everything changed.I’d made some connections in my own mind about why I felt what I felt for him, and experimented with putting my energy back into myself and my work instead of into HIM and HIS work.And somehow that got me enough distance to see things more clearly.I started to see myself as a separate person again.And this little bit of distance made it possible for me to talk to him in a different way.I stopped feeling so bad and weak every time he put me down.And, amazingly enough – he STOPPED putting me down.I just instinctively felt more like stepping away from him when he was nasty to me instead of working harder to win his approval in that moment.And – he changed.But not enough.The way he changed was like a band-aid over a big wound, and all of a sudden I saw how WEAK HE WAS.All of a sudden his clever put-downs and complaining and pointing out my weaknesses seemed childish.In the moment I saw that, and I could FEEL what had been going on for so long – it was as though he lost his hold over me.He DID transform, but the man he was – the man he ALWAYS had been – wasn’t enough for me.I could see that as a man, he WASN’T what I wanted.In the end, it almost wasn’t even important what happened to the relationship. It almost didn’t matter.What really mattered – what changed my life and opened the way for my husband is what happened to ME – what I learned about Toxic Men and my attraction to them, and finally how to HANDLE and BE with them.I finally learned how to take the good parts and get RID of the BAD parts of the relationship.What truly mattered was how I changed inside – how I became stronger, more confident, and finally READY for a man and a relationship that would be DESERVING of all I had to offer.And the most important thing I learned was how I could not only “cope” with – but CHANGE a toxic relationship – so that when he was WORTH it – like my HUSBAND was – I knew how to make it work.So, years later, when my husband started to show the same kind of Toxic behavior – complaining, putting me down – that this other man had, I finally learned how to deal with it.And this time, my husband was WORTH IT.Unlike the Toxic Men I’d been with, my husband was a Good Guy in disguise, and I was able to not only transform him, but to create a loving, totally connected relationship with the man he TRULY was underneath his disguise.If I Could Rescue My Love Life From The Toxic Pit I Was Stuck In – And I DID – I Know YOU Have All The Hope In The World!Before I had my revelation, I was absolutely stuck in that pit of despair.I thought I’d never find my way out of the pit, never thought I’d end up happily married, never thought I could save my marriage – so when I figured out how to change my toxic man, it was an amazing thing.When everything turned around for me, I finally realized that women – even ME – had so much more power over who a man is and how he behaves than I ever thought possible.Because I know you’re struggling as much as I struggled, I also want to help YOU get back the love, honesty and authenticity you’ve lost along the way in your relationship with your own Toxic Man.But first, I want you to know something.There is hope for you and your relationship.You CAN do something about the way you’re feeling in your relationship and about yourself. It is possible to change the way your man feels about you and how he behaves toward you.I want to help you get that for yourself.If you discover that your relationship really DOES have more good points than bad, I can help you get 100% of the way over to the GOOD, and experience the calm, confident assurance that you can be happy with the man in your life… from now on.And if you come to realize that you aren’t able to fix, and you don’t want to even try anymore, I can help you get to a place where you can walk away with complete peace of mind and clarity that you’re ending things not because someone says you should, but because you WANT to.But first, I’ll help you identify what kind of man you’re with, and help you see why your relationship doesn’t FEEL RIGHT in the first place…How To Tell If Your Man Is Toxic And What To Do If He IsMost of us have experienced loving a “Toxic Man” at least once in our lives. And some of us have long-standing patterns of being with ONLY Toxic Men.There are different forms of Toxic-ness, and different degrees of Toxic-ness, and almost ALL of the time, it’s truly difficult to tell whether a man just has a flaw – where he makes mistakes – or if he’s DANGEROUS to be in a relationship with.So it’s absolutely crucial for us to be able to KNOW where a man falls on the Toxic Scale. And then once we know what kind of man we’re dealing with, we need to be able to know what to DO about it.Should we avoid him if he’s a new man in our lives? Run like he’s the plague? Or should we give him a chance to prove himself? And if we do, then how long a chance should we give him?And if we discover we’re WITH a very Toxic Man, what should we do then?If we’ve tried everything we know to get our man to “listen” to us and “change his ways” – sometimes just to “grow up” and “be a man” – then we know trying to change him is not an easy thing.At least not the way we’ve all been taught to go about “changing” him. Instead of thinking about “changing” him, let’s use the word “transform.”Transforming a is different than trying to change him, because instead of focusing on HIM, and HIS issues, and solving HIS problems – transformation involves changing the “environment” of the relationship.Though we can’t change our man – we CAN change the RELATIONSHIP.By changing what goes on in that space between us and our man, by shifting the way the “Third Presence” that is the relationship FEELS (think of 3 parts to a relationship – there’s HIM, there’s US, and then there’s the RELATIONSHIP), we can change EVERYTHING.And when we do that, our man will instinctively WANT to transform HIMSELF.And how do you go about changing that “Third Presence”? How do you TRANSFORM your man so you can be happy and at peace once again?How do you know if the negative qualities he seems to have and the painful things he does are just minor flaws – just “mistakes” he makes because that’s all he knows? How do you know if he’s able to LEARN to fix his mistakes and do better – consistently better – or if every negative thing that happens between you is a sign that he’s dangerous to be in a relationship with?And once you find out the answer to that question, what do you do about it? How do you transform him so you can end the rollercoaster of emotions and regain the happiness and sanity that you once had?It sounds hopeless… unless you have the right tools, and understand the PROCESS.The 3 Steps To Transforming Your Man From “Toxic” To “Loving”I’ve taken the whole big concept of how to transform a Toxic relationship and a Toxic Man and turned it into 3 steps to make it happen.Just like with all my work – skipping the steps never works.If you try to leap from 0 to step 3, nothing will ever change. And that’s how most of us get so stuck.We don’t follow steps, we miss them in our hurry to get to the “end,” we neglect them altogether or some of them, and when that happens, things get worse than they were before.And when things get worse, we feel pressured to start “playing games.”And we know that “playing games” just escalates unhappiness.But, by going through this process armed with my Tools and a step-by-step PLAN, you’ll be able to transform a Toxic relationship and see results immediately.So let’s start with these 3 steps to help you understand if your man is Toxic, and then to CHANGE your relationship to a positive, happy one. The steps are: 1. Determine if He’s Toxic, or Just Troubled 2. Stop Treating The Symptoms 3. Start Transforming the ManNow let’s talk a bit more about these steps, and how you are getting caught in step 1 and step 2, and why that’s PREVENTING you from ever getting to step 3.Step 1: Find Out If He’s Toxic, Or Just “Making Mistakes”…This step is completely crucial – and it’s the absolute HARDEST for most of us!We often can identify Toxic qualities and traits, but we’ve all been taught to OVERLOOK them and be understanding, and to try to talk to him about his “negative” qualities – and NONE of that works.And even if we’re able to really look at a man clearly and see that he actually DOES have some Toxic qualities – we have a nearly impossible time telling if ALL of him is Toxic and un-fixable.I remember feeling one minute like my Toxic Man was the best thing to ever happen to me, and the next minute I’d think he was the WORST. I’d think he was either all GOOD or all BAD.It’s hard to tell the difference between thinking a man is 100% Toxic just because he has a few negative traits, and making those negative traits “okay” in our minds because we’re afraid to consider he might be even a “little bit” Toxic.The truth is, ALL of us have SOME negative qualities. Depending on what his are (and this is part of how you can tell the difference between a man who makes mistakes, a man who feels compelled from inside himself to keep repeating those mistakes, and a man who keeps making the same mistakes ON PURPOSE), it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s 100% toxic and that you can’t have a loving, happy, fulfilling relationship with him.So it’s crucial for you to understand the difference between a Toxic Man and the individual (and hopefully minor) toxic qualities even a Good Guy might have – because you can have a successful relationship with a man who has a toxic QUALITIES, but you will NEVER BE HAPPY with a Toxic Man.Perhaps your man is a “blamer.” Any time anything goes wrong in his life, he points the finger at someone else (usually YOU!) as being the cause. As a result, you find yourself constantly justifying and defending yourself, or even just taking the blame because it’s easier than arguing.With this man, you may just need to learn how to gently open his eyes to the real “reason” things are going wrong (and I can help you with that) and he could become the sweet, loving guy you fell in love with.Or this blaming pattern could be a part of a bigger anger… or a victim mentality that will only get worse over time.Figuring out which of these you’re dealing with is the first step in helping solve the problem.No matter what the negative quality is – if he’s immature, verbally or emotionally abusive, condescending, self-involved… You need to identify how fatal this flaw is.Because you can have a successful relationship with a man who has toxic QUALITIES, but you will NEVER BE HAPPY with a Toxic Man.To help you, I’ve developed several tools and quizzes to help you easily conquer this step, but we’ll talk more about that later.Which leads me to the next step…Step 2: Stop Treating The SymptomsBecause most of us women can’t tell the difference between a toxic MAN and a toxic QUALITY, we tend to make the same dangerous mistakes when we try to improve our love lives.And the way we TRY to fix things, the way we talk and move and do and think, actually makes things even WORSE than they were before.We start to treat the “symptom” of the problem, instead of the cause.Let me explain…We Are Addicted To Toxic MenWhen we’re faced with a man with toxic qualities, we immediately try to figure out how we can change him and make him a better version of himself.It’s a pretty natural reaction. And before we talk about why this approach has the OPPOSITE EFFECT of what we intend (namely, making things much, much worse), we need to understand why we don’t run for the hills as soon as we see these dangerous qualities rear their ugly heads.And that’s because Toxic Men have some really compelling POSITIVE QUALITIES.It’s these POSITIVE QUALITIES that cause most women to want to continue to work, fix, convince, and plead with a man to try to get the relationship working again.These POSITIVE QUALITIES your man has are a huge part of the reason why you’ve stayed with him for as long as you have – even though you’re not happy, even though you have moments when you feel so torn inside.These POSITIVE QUALITIES are so powerful, so addicting, you almost can’t help yourself.He may be extremely romantic at times, telling you how attracted he is to you and how “different” you are from any other woman he’s met. This can make you feel very wanted and beautiful. It’s hard to dismiss the giddy feelings that come over you when he talks like this.So when he lies to you, or says something insulting and hurtful, you think back to the last time he told you how special you are, and tell yourself that the “bad” stuff isn’t so bad, he’s just having a bad day… because when he makes you feel wanted and loved, you feel on top of the world.To your mind, you probably feel the bad days are “worth it” if you can experience the good stuff once in a while.Maybe he’s a hard-working and honest guy who seems to want nothing more than to be seen as a “provider” and all-around decent man. If your man is like this, you probably feel GUILTY for even suggesting there are things he isn’t doing or ways he isn’t making you happy.So you keep trying harder to “fix” the relationship, or work on yourself, or if all else fails you stuff your needs and unhappiness way down so that you don’t have to feel it.And the longer you stuff down your hurt, the more you start to FEEL NUMB to the hurtful things he does.This is a real danger sign – when you almost wonder if you should give up trying and just live with it, because you’re not sure anything better exists out there.You keep telling yourself, “if I could just get him to stop being so immature, or stop being so mean to me, or stop trying to control me…” then the relationship would be perfect.Since leaving often doesn’t feel like an option, you’re left with thinking that if you could only address some of his negative qualities and get him to see how much he’s hurting you, you could re-make and re-mold your Toxic Man to be the Perfect Man.This is a huge mistake.The Big Mistake Most Women Make With Toxic MenI know how hard it is to figure out what to do when your man does – for the hundredth time – the very thing you’ve already told him makes you feel bad, that you’ve cried over and maybe even nearly left him for.You feel like you’ve tried everything to communicate your needs and how he’s not meeting them.You’re starting to feel hopeless, helpless, and… angry, and that just makes you feel even worse.I can help you here with this one truth: Transforming a toxic relationship can NEVER be done by simply addressing the individual, unwanted SYMPTOMS and trying to FIX them.This is very important for you to know. So important as a matter of fact, that I’ll say it again.You will NEVER change your relationship if you just try to treat the symptom.What do I mean when I say that?If up until this point you’ve been focused on how to get him to be less selfish, less rude, less controlling or more mature, you’ve been treating the “symptoms” instead of addressing the cause.You’ve been focusing on his behavior, but his behavior has a much deeper root cause than simply not knowing how to be kind, respectful or trusting.The way your man behaves toward you has more to do with your RELATIONSHIP with each other, and the way you engage together, than it does with his rudeness, selfishness or dishonesty.In effect, by focusing just on his negative qualities and not considering the ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP holistically, you’ve been trying to cure an infection by changing the band-aid.The infection is the way your relationship is poisoning both you AND your man.The outward sore – his negative behavior – is the symptom of this infection. By thinking you can “fix” the entire relationship by just dealing with his negative behavior, you’re essentially putting a band-aid on a wound that really needs a good shot of antibiotic!Focusing on a man’s particular weaknesses or toxic traits is NOT going to fix or solve your problem. It’s only going to frustrate you more, push him further away, and cause a lot of resentment for you and your man.Maybe you don’t believe me. Maybe you’re still convinced that trying harder and having the right “technique” to get him to change his behavior is still “The Answer” you’re looking for.But consider this: How many times have you been successful in getting him to stop the behavior that is hurting you so much? How well is your strategy working so far?The KEY to transforming a Toxic Man and creating a healthy and loving relationship involves more than just putting a “band-aid” on the relationship.Which leads me to my third step…Step 3: Start Transforming Your ManOnce you stop trying to change a specific quality in your man (or symptom) you can start focusing on changing your entire relationship.And when you change the nature of the relationship… YOU CHANGE THE MAN!That’s right.By treating the true “infection,” you not only get a loving, supportive, stable, balanced relationship…You also get your man!You get all those POSITIVE qualities that kept you hanging on until now.You get all the sweet words, the closeness, the grand gestures.And you get to be even stronger, happier, and confident in yourself.Here’s how…Let Me Show You How To Transform Your Toxic Relationship By Getting To The CORE Of The Problem And Using My Powerful “Toxic-Blasting” Relationship ToolsI know personally what it’s like to be IN LOVE with a Toxic Man, and how endlessly frustrating it is to continually attract and be attracted to MORE toxic men, and so I created this program for you.I wanted to teach you – quickly and simply – what it took me years and years to learn the hard way.Toxic Men is designed to gently walk you through the three steps of transforming your toxic relationship and to help you undo all your old patterns of attracting and being attracted to Toxic Men in the first place.It’s a clear, INTERACTIVE and groundbreaking way to deal with the REAL problem at the heart of all his negative qualities, bad behavior and painful words and actions you’re experiencing.In my “Toxic Men” program, I’ll help you cure the “infection” in your love life, instead of just skimming the surface of the symptoms.I’ll walk you step-by-step through the process with easy-to-do exercises, quizzes, dialogues and amazing Tools so that you’ll learn a whole NEW and EFFECTIVE approach to changing your Toxic relationship.In fact, I’ve developed a detailed quiz that will SHOW you exactly where your man falls on the Toxic “Scale.” Is he merely difficult, somewhat clueless, or all-out Toxic?Once you understand this, I’ll help you understand WHY you attract the men you do, and then I’ll teach you powerful tools to change your relationship – and your man – permanently.This begins with learning how to UNLOCK your man’s romantic emotions for you and take back your power to build up your inner strength…The strength you need to transform a Toxic Man, even right in the middle of a toxic conversation!I’ll show you how to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF so that you’ll feel stronger and better, and shift the power in the relationship. He’ll respond to you in a new and better way.I’ll walk you through WHAT TO SAY and what NOT to say to a Toxic Man when he’s being aggressive, complaining or belittling, or when he’s ignoring you or being cold. I’ll go through the steps of how to CHANGE THE TONE of the conversation, so that he’ll really hear you and be more understanding and compassionate towards your feelings.You’ll learn HOW to take all your old patterns – no matter how badly they’ve worked for you in the past – and turn them into STRENGTHS you can use to transform the Toxic Relationship you’re in… and create a more caring and mutually beneficial one.You’ll learn what to do for yourself so you can go toe to toe with him as your BRAVEST SELF, so he’ll feel compelled to treat you better.I know that my Toxic Men program can help you get your life and your love back. It will let you discover what is Toxic about your relationship so that you can use the right Tools to get it back on track… for today and forever.Here’s How I’ll Help You Transform Your Relationship Into A Healthy And Loving One… PermanentlyHere are just some of the things you’ll learn in “Toxic Men”… * Valuable Tools you can use to help you spot a true Toxic Man early on in the dating process, so you don’t make the mistake of getting too emotionally vested in a man who is not right for you, even if he “seems” perfect in the beginning… * How to know if you’re “ADDICTED” to a man, and WHAT to do about it… The REAL reasons you find yourself in a Toxic Relationship with my “6 Elements Of Your Toxic style” * Exactly how to tell the difference between HIS problems – the ones you can’t fix – and what you can actually and easily DO to transform even the most TOXIC relationship… * A fantastic way to finally make the CONNECTION between the kind of Toxic Man you attract and are attracted to – and how you see YOURSELF (you’ll love this exercise – it’s fun and incredibly helpful) * How we created patterns in our love lives that play into the hands of a Toxic Man and learn how to CHANGE it all quickly WITHOUT going back over your whole life * WHY you ATTRACT Toxic Men and men who are just NOT a good FIT for you (It’s not what your girlfriends are telling you…) * How a man is SUPPOSED to behave… special tips from one of my special guests in this program. (He makes it so clear you’ll finally “get” what’s REALLY been going on with every man you’ve ever known) * Things you NEVER KNEW about how men work from actual MEN who are also RELATIONSHIP EXPERTS (you’ll be shocked at how blunt these guys are… and you’ll hear them answer personal questions you’ve ALWAYS wanted to ask a man) * How to handle fear of intimacy – yours and HIS – and learn how to OVERCOME it easily * A new Tool will help you know when to leave a man – if he’s just too Toxic and plain not worth your time, energy and heart – and help you do it WITHOUT pain or heartache * How your family, school, community and culture influenced you to attract and be attracted to a Toxic Man, and how to REVERSE that so you’ll be able to DEAL with him in a new, powerful way * How men have us trained like “dogs,” and exactly how to TURN that around! * How a Toxic Man can throw you off balance and make you feel like everything’s YOUR fault – and NONE of it is! * Exactly what you’re looking for – what makes a Good Guy a Good Guy, and how you can create an amazing EXPANDING relationship with my simple Tools. * How to feel incredibly POWERFUL by using my new Tools… even after a few minutes of trying them out * What STRONG SURRENDER is: Plus how it works and how you can trigger a man’s romantic response * A new way to turn even your most negative thoughts and worries into STRENGTHSHow To Tell If This Program Is For YouIf your man is a considerate and loving partner, who places you as his priority over anything or anyone else in his life, then you won’t need this program.Or if your man makes you feel special, adored, respected and cared for, then you don’t need to buy this program. It’s not for you.BUT… if you find yourself feeling drained and miserable, and you constantly WORRY about the future of your relationship because your man makes you jealous, belittles you, ignores you, is controlling and critical, then you’ll want to get your hands on a copy of Toxic Men as soon as possible.If you want to learn WHY you’re attracted to Toxic Men over and over, or why you STAY in a relationship that is hurtful and destructive, then my Toxic Men program will help you see what’s behind your feelings and subconscious motivations.• If you want to figure out whether or not your man is truly Toxic… or simply careless, confused or misunderstood, then the quiz you’ll take during the program will help you determine which “type” of man he is.• If you want to learn how to get the strength and confidence to SAY NO to your man when your guts tells you that saying “yes” will hurt you or make you feel unhappy in some way, then you’ll feel more empowered and relaxed after you learn my powerful tips and techniques to get you there.• If you want help LETTING GO so you stop putting so much of your energy and emotions into fixing your relationship… and instead focus on your own happiness and what you need to feel whole, then you’ll really love the advice I have for you about how to walk away without pain or drama.• If you want effective Tools to help you spot a Toxic Man EARLY ON so you don’t make the mistake of getting too emotionally invested with someone who will never be right for you, no matter how good he “seems” at the start, then you need my Toxic Men program.• If you need to know exactly what to DO and SAY to stop the fighting, bickering, and sarcasm and get your DIGNITY back… without escalating the situation or making it worse, you’ll definitely want to hear me teach you the RIGHT way to calm any toxic conversation.• If you want to learn what to DO and SAY to transform your difficult and clueless man into a loving, giving and respectful partner who desires to make YOU happy, then my Toxic Men program will open up a whole new world for you.• If you want to know, once and for all, if the relationship is even WORTH saving or if you’re wasting your life by staying even one more day, then you’ll never regret following this program.Toxic Men will show you WHAT a toxic relationship is, WHY you keep being drawn into it despite how horrible it makes you feel, and HOW to change your Toxic Man into a loving, caring and respectful partner – permanently, or HOW to walk away if you know he’ll never hange… and do it painlessly.Watch This Entire Program Online RIGHT NOW, And You’ll Receive: * Over 5 full hours of digitally recorded material that you can watch immediately online * An optional CD: For just $3.99 more you can get an audio CD in addition to the online streaming format. Just check the box on the second page of the shopping cart to add it to your order * An accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and helpful material * A detailed track listing for quick access. Find and re-watch your favorite chapters easily so you get the most out of the program * Immediate access to my Tools and adviceBecause I want as many women as possible to benefit from this program, I’ve priced it at only 5 easy monthly payments of $39.97… and it comes with my better-than-money-back “I’ll take all the risk” Guarantee…Don’t Decide Now…Try “Toxic Men”RISK FREE For 7 DaysI care about you, and I want you to have the amazing love life you deserve. (And yes, you can have it… and yes, you do deserve it!)I’m 100% confident I can help you have it… and that this program is the “secret weapon” that will get you there.And because I’m so confident, and because I care so much about you having the relationship you want, I’d like to let you try this program RISK FREE. Here is how it works:You can watch my “Toxic Men” program on your computer starting right now. Simply try it, and if you like it and see fast results (I trust that you will), then you can keep learning from it… and you’ll be billed automatically.If you decide it’s not for you – for ANY REASON – simply let me know within 7 days of your purchase. I’ll remove your access to the videos and refund all your money immediately.It’s that easy!When you click below, you’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can order this program (just use a valid credit or debit card for your order).I know you’ll see INSTANT RESULTS… and instant change in your love life.The whole process is so easy that you can literally be watching my groundbreaking program in minutes.You can either pay in full or five easy monthly installments. You can decide which works best for your budget.Start following the simple guidelines and step-by-step plan and you’ll be amazed at the change that will happen in your love life or in how your man sees you and feels about you.You’ll feel desirable, worthy of love, confident, and completely ecstatic about dating and relationships. No more dreading dates or feeling hopeless about every getting the kind of committed, secure relationship you want.I truly want to help you have the relationship you want. I get emails every day from women who are using my tools to dramatically transform their love lives, and I want you to experience this too.Click below, and place your order now (And remember to check the box in the shopping cart if you want the CD in addition to the streaming video format):One Time Easy PaymentCredit and Debit Orders OnlyFive Easy InstallmentsWhat Makes My Toxic Men Program Different Than Any Program I’ve Done Or Any Other Program Out There?If you’re finding yourself struggling through relationship after relationship that doesn’t work and experiencing pain and frustration with man after man who isn’t doing the job for you, my Toxic Men program will help you not only UNDERSTAND exactly HOW you got to where you are – it will help you transform your love life.You’ll finally be able to identify a Toxic Man, instead of always thinking it’s your fault things don’t work.Instead of following your old patterns of attraction and doing what you’ve always done when a relationship turns rocky, you’ll have a new understanding and a new bag of Tools to use to help yourself get what you REALLY want.If you’re in a relationship right now, and you’re feeling uneasy about what’s going on (or what ISN’T going on) – if his behavior is baffling you and causing you pain and you’re bouncing between beating yourself up for not being able to make it work, or blaming HIM for everything that’s going wrong, Toxic Men will help you see clearly what you need to do to get things back on track.If you’re dating, my Toxic Men program will help you catch the Red Flags that Toxic Men wave right in front of our faces. Though sometimes those Red Flags seem to show up suddenly, as though he’s been brilliantly hiding them from us for a long time, Toxic Men will help you see them RIGHT AWAY – because you’ll know what to look for.You’ll get a whole new set of Tools designed SPECIFICALLY for you to use with a Toxic Man – to regain your POWER, to shift the dynamics of the relationship 180 degrees so that you can SEE what’s actually going on and turn things around.You’ll be able to relate to him from a place of STRENGTH, instead of from the distorted sense of weakness a Toxic Man pushes us into, and you’ll be able to stand up for yourself – even if it’s always frightened you before – in a way that feels “natural” to you.And, in this program only, I’ll help you examine whether the man you’re with really is worth your time, energy and love.I know, from the bottom of my heart, how painful being in a relationship with a toxic man is – and how even being with a good man who has toxic qualities you just don’t know how to deal with can hurt.I know absolutely that no matter how you might be feeling right now, no matter how bad things are in your love life right now, your situation is not hopeless.No matter what you’ve already tried to do, no matter how scared you are and how frustrated you might be, even if day after day seems to be in the same stuck place – I know I can help you get to the bottom of your toxic relationship and learn to “speak” to your man in a new way that will help you keep all the good stuff but throw away the bad stuff – so you can have a happy, fulfilling life with a good man who wants to make you happy.I know how you’re feeling – I was there so many times in my life – and I want to help you feel how strong you truly are… and to help you use that inner strength to transform your situation into the great one you want.I want to help you stand up to a Toxic Man, to “reach” him emotionally in a new way, and to feel in your own heart how much happiness can and will be yours.I can’t wait for you to start experiencing the benefits of my Toxic Men program, because I know you can do this – your hope is real, you have so much to offer, and I’m holding the space for you to have the love and peace and romance you truly deserve.I won’t let you give up.So, be sure to let me know how Toxic Men works for you – I look forward to hearing from you.
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