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Ross Jeffries – Basic Speed Seduction Audio Course

[11Cds – mp3]


Description reviews a Speed Seduction seminar:   I had the opportunity recently to sit in on a Speed Seduction seminar in Montreal.  TokyoPUA attended the same seminar with me and will be writing up a separate review.  We missed the first day due to work responsibilities, but observed the 2 following days.  Ross & associates were kind enough to fill us in on what was covered the first day.   What I got the sense of through the seminar was that Ross Jeffries teaches the process of using SS over rather than just the structure.  Ross intelligently walked students through the process and displayed multiple demonstrations of using SS in both a linguistic and demonstrative way.  He also went over a lot of demonstrations of visual and physical anchoring which are hard to describe without seeing them.   Ross also took time on individual students that needed it, and even did exercises with them, when necessary, to work them through their issues or blocks.   Although I had already been exposed to a lot of SS over the past 3 years, I still was able to garner much new knowledge, some of which I put to use on a later trip to Korea to help me get a same-night lay (a report of that will be posted to the mASF forum).   What I liked, also, was that Ross taught how to use SS to allow a guy to say what he wanted without concern over whether a particular woman’s archetypal image of a man was being portrayed or not.  Mainly, he showed ways to create interest regardless of whether that archetype was being matched or not, by focusing on the linguistic and kinesthetic/anchoring aspects of seduction.  He also covered a good amount on initial stages of approach and initiating with a chick to create a strong base for further seduction.   I’d like to add that I also learned a few new things from Yates Canipe, Ross’ business partner – the mental exercises that he taught and examples of psychological communication skills he displayed were very helpful to me.   ~Formhandle (Fast Seduction 101 Webmaster), 2002-09-08


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