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RSD – Free Tour Chicago Top 10 Secrets In The Game

Real Social Dynamics Top 10 Secrets In The Game [].mp4
[1 DVD – MP4]



You can watch the video on youtube for FREE : I don’t like being depend on youtube (they might remove it plus waiting for it to reload is annoying) and i prefer to have this on my computer so i can watch it whenever i want. it’s 720P HD quality so enjoy. Here is what Tyler wrote about this vid (from :(btw this was my full segment from Chicago, however most Free Tour’s are actually 3 hours long.  This one is shortened because Brad was speaking before me for a while — which added a lot to the event.)Anyway I decided to post this video because I like how it’s watcheable to the newbie to RSD while still offering ideas to guys who are more advanced in the game.This whole “newbie material” to RSD has been such a problem for me over the years, because I really only enjoy teaching ideas as I learn them.  Once the idea is no longer a “new epiphany” FOR ME I don’t have a lot of enthusiasm to teach it anymore.The boredom then comes through and I wind up looking almost annoyed teaching it.  It’s crazy because I used to be so good at teaching total newbies who’d never heard of the pickup community, but I think I got to a point where I just enjoy living the lifestyle and really don’t care if some stubborn person doesn’t want to understand it or not.This has been interesting because RSD as a business has basically thrived on a high “alumni retention” rate.  Around 70% of people who take a live program with us wind up coming back to do another, and oftentimes another.Here’s what’s crazy though.  I’m normally hesitant to say that because it sounds like the guy took a program and didn’t get the results he wanted, so came back.  But in about 9 cases out of 10 the guy has returned because the results he got were so intense that he sees the potential and simply wants to learn MORE.(Either that or else he gets a girlfriend immediately after the program…..His game falls off over a few years and he comes back after they break up.)So it’s funny because RSD’s customer “generation” is totally absurd — we’re the only company without even a damned EBOOK or anything to introduce you to our ideas.  And yet our “retention” is absurdly high, to the point that I’m incentivized to just keep putting out more and more advanced material — which I create as I learn it on my own personal journey in the game.Anyway I thought I’d bring this up because it brings me to another off the wall point — which is that recently I’ve been working on correcting this.  I’ve got a book draft that’s good for newbies as well as an introductory website I’ve been playing around with.And you know what I’ve learned while “delving into the mind of the newbie” over the past few months to prepare this?  Most of mainstream society exists in a very low functioning state of mind!!I really hate to say this, in the sense that I’m not meaning to be judgemental or feel superior in any way.  In fact it more just makes me feel really blessed to have been exposed to various ideas by luck that I may have missed out on.  Also to be born in the age of the internet, information, etc.But yeah in spending the past months getting re-acquainted with the “average man’s” wants, desires, concerns, focuses, etc, it’s been pretty painful to look at.  Like I almost think they’re JOKING that they care about the things they care about, and yet THEY’RE NOT KIDDING!!This has furthered my resolve to create the highest quality material I’m capable of.  I want to become a highly effective teacher and purveryer of ideas. I want to be a “social disrupter” and force people from the autopilot thoughts which they take for granted, get them thinking, and push them out of their comfort zones.(This is because I’ve experienced so many benefits as a result of this myself…)I think that I have the potential to do things that have never been done.  This is very much an aspect of LUCK — it’s only because I was teaching “how to be a pick up artist” at age 22 that I’ve had the credibility to be a “guru” at anything from such a young age.  But because I’ve been teaching so long, even at age 31 I’ve got nearly a decade of experience teaching — whereas most guys who get into teaching would only be just starting at this age.The ideas that I have are pretty intense, not really fun for me personally.  Fun for me would be to continue teaching pickup exclusively for the duration of my career.  I love teaching young people IN THE FIELD because of the sheer intensity and hilarity of it.  Bootcamps are so damned funny, so damned intense, so fucken awesome — it’s my biggest hobby bar none.I worry about my kids, however, growing up in an environment that has so many amazing aspects about it, while simultaneously being so utterly toxic to their states of mind.  I grew up in a mental personal hell of my own making for the first two decades of my life, and those years have ultimately left me emotionally scarred and with no other choice than to become “present” and in a perpetual mode where I feel value flowing outwardly in order not to feel the way I did growing up.(In other words — the thing that “cured” me from my depression was becoming present and offering value.  Challenge and getting out of my comfort zone forces my mind into a state of being highly present.  Teaching others forces me into a perpetual state of offering value.  This makes me feel HAPPY so it’s almost impossible to stop.  I can be pissed that I can’t have a normal life or I can make the most of it —  make an impact, take this as a gift and put it to good use.)I believe in humanity and believe that we are neither good nor evil, but rather SPONGES of our environment and influences.  The person I was as a youth was a result of the influences I was surrounded by — the person I am now is as well.  The change came from pushing myself to “sponge up” what I needed in order to change.Anyway here’s the other reason I brought this up. I’ve been having a lot of insights about “mainstream consciousness” over the past few months, which have come both from going back into the headspace of the newbie’s typical concerns, as well as various joint ventures RSD has made with other mainstream outlets.And you know what?  I’ve realized that the reason society doesn’t change as well as it could is that businesses and politicians ultimately view the mainstream as fucking idiots and get so frustrated with them, rather than telling them what they NEED to hear they tell them what they WANT to hear.This is oversimplified and I don’t have much time to delve into it today, but what I’m basically saying is that a young person like myself comes into a level of success, realizes that the mainstream are inappreciative and WANT to stay the way they are, so give up on them and sell out for the money and props.Telling your personal truth means becoming a “heretic” essentially — someone who is ahead of their time and will sacrifice both money and reputation in order to get their ideas to a few people, and then hopefully from those few people will trickle down into many.  It means being a “social disrupter” and caring more about the impact you’re having than the personal happiness that you gain from it — because you and your family will be harrassed or even attacked for the fact that you’re sharing what you believe is the truth.So essentially this presents a crossroads.  Feed into the masses, tell them what they want to hear with just a small dose of reality, or else tell it straight up like it is.And you know what?From years of cold approach, and I guess from books like The Game and all the silly nonsense I’ve read about myself on the internet since I was 22 years old, I somehow stopped caring what anyone thinks.  It’s been years in the making but it seems like every year I care less and less, to the point that my own “movie of life” has become my main sense of reality and what others think is irrelevant.And this makes me the ideal candidate to undertake something like this.  The blessing of being a public speaker and creating of new ideas since 22 years old, the blessing of being the center of good and bad attention from a young age and becoming indifferent to it, the benefits of being around the top innovators and entrepreneurs as well as travelling the world and having the time to read all the best books written — this puts me in a unique position where I feel the decision has been made for me.So that being the case you’ll start to see more social commentary coming out from me over the next few years.  Paradoxically you’ll see more “newbie material” that relates to the state of consciousness of the masses, as well as a lot very harsh and esoteric ideas on what I believe is needed for a person to move forward given the state of the world — how we as human beings can continue to evolve, continue to make leaps in our thinking, our “states of consciousness” as cheesy as that sounds.I’ve spent the past decade in the trenches — teaching people of all personalities, being with all types of women and seeing how their minds work, as well as reading all the best intellectual material written and meeting the most accomplished individuals and soaking up their vibe.  I feel like I “get how the world works” at this point, as opposed to being a random guy with an opinion, and I want to tell it how I see it regardless of what that means for me personally.Next week I’ll be releasing a video from the New York Free Tour, and actually I’ve decided to release the entire segment just like I did with this newbie video in Chicago.  And the video goes into many of the more advanced ideas that I’m vaguely referring to here.  Then you’ll see these ideas come out more and more refined, first in RSD and then in self help over the coming years.I’m enjoying the journey. It’s the one I’ve decided to undertake amidst a pretty wide array of options I have in front of me.  But part of growing up is making decisions and living with them.  As you cross through certain doors others shut for you — and this is scary — but when you fail to move forward you lie in pergatory pretty much forever, never really cultivating your truest gifts and potentials.Anyway I’m out of here to go run around New York for a bit — obviously I wanted to write these ideas to force myself to be consistent (a technique I’ve used for years) and thanks for being the space to allow me to share them!Check back next week for that video which I think will knock your socks off, and let me know what you learned from this video right here!Tyler


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