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RSD – Natural Tim Teleconference

Tim’s Teleconference
[Audio – 2 MP3s]



Important UpdateFor better sound and the full hour either download from http://www.naturaltim.com put it up this morning (5/21/08). or here on @ By the way, if you are interested in this audio.  You’ll love:Jeffy Show Free Tour Audio Ipod Version guys,Just listened to Tim from RSD’s teleconference.  The information is AWESOME!  Last time I posted a recording I had feedback about bad sound quality.  SAVE IT!  I did as much editing as I’m going to do.  I tried to get rid noise by editing with audacity, but you can here things in the background.  If that will annoys you, DON’T download this audio!  The sound quality is good enough to get the information which is what counts. announcement for the seminar:Tim here to make a “special announcement” for the launch of anew summer special and provide you with a chance to get all ofyour most urgent pickup & dating questions answered as a gift fromme to you.To do this I am launching my first ever TIM FREE TELESEMINAR.And YOU are invited.If you’d like to listen in on the call this Friday, thenvisit: five seconds and run over to have a look at this thing RIGHTNOW and signup for our VIP Interest List.Do it quickly because space on this call is very limited and I willalso be giving a special summer opportunity as an additional gift.Right now, I’m pretty much hammered with questions from you onRSD Nation.  So I thought that I’d just pound them all out in a singlebold move during this telephone conference, which I’d like for you tojoin.The teleseminar will take place this Friday, May 16, 2008 at12:00pm-1:00pm Pacific Standard Time.(That’s 3PM EST, 5AM in Sydney, Australia and 8PM in the UK — so dothe math wherever you’re based.)I’ve never done a teleseminar like this before and I’m not sure ifI will ever do this again, but I appreciate all of your loyalty anddedication over the years.So let’s CELEBRATE this upcoming summer season!I’ll be happy to answer ALL your questions personally.Sincerely,Tim, Executive CoachREAL SOCIAL DYNAMICS


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