Sam Beatson – The Gratitude Book –
[1 ebook – PDF]
Who Else Wants To Make A Breakthrough Discovery Of The “Lost” Secrets Of Gratitude? “How To Rid Yourself Of Frustrating Habits & Dramatically Increase Enjoyment In Just 10 Minutes With New Gratitude Method””Includes FREE Gratitude Hypnosis MP3 & 100% Guaranteed Results!”From the desk of Sam Beatson, BMedSci, MSc November 5, 2008:Dear Friend,My name is Sam Beatson. Recently, I decided to change a bad habit (worry) because it was causing me to feel depressed and defeated alot of the time. I realised the solution to such a challenge isn’t in pills, or therapy it’s in your thinking.A message to the Sam Beatson from Leslie Fieger…Sam,Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your new book.Gratefulness to life brings a great fullness to life.Once I had incorporated the daily habit of starting my day with anexpression of gratitude for the multitude of blessings I have, the qualityof my life grew enormously. Your message is important. Everyone who reads your book will benefit tremendously, often in unexpected ways.Thank you for caring enough to create this contribution to so many people’s lives. You deserve to have an awesome success with this project.Leslie FiegerAuthor of The DELFIN Trilogy Take this yes/no quiz:Have you ever wanted answers? Do you want to feel continuously better in increasing amounts in any area of your life?Have you ever felt that you can’t solve your problems for any reason?Would you like to have more happiness?Do you want to be more wealthy effortlessly?If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, the Gratitude Book can help you to achieve your goals…THE TRUTH about Gratitude…Here’s six reasons why you should starting practising gratitude each day. By downloading “The Gratitude Book” special report and workbook to your computer below, you will discover…How to use gratitude to get you to where you want to be, faster than ever before…Why if you don’t practice gratitude on a daily basis, you could be missing out on better friendships and relationships, improved health and wellbeing… The Secret to getting in to action and practicing gratitude so that you attract the results you desire — includes 21 day workbook…Be inspired by what business guru’s, law of attraction experts and two major religions have to say about gratitude…Discover clinical evidence from positive psychology academics that will skyrocket your beliefs that gratitude really will help you to massively improve your life…A daily gratitude “praxis” & prized “Self Confidence” formula that will empower you to achieve all your goals…!Constantly searching for solutions, I eventually stumbled across a “scientific” way to rid yourself of anxiety, fear, worry or any other negative thinking habit and replace that habit with a new, positive empowering way of thinking and perceiving in just 5 simple steps…”What are the ancient “gratitude” secrets that can improve your well-being, increase your abundance & enhance the quality of your life according to cutting edge, clinically proven research results?”I discovered a way to create and sustain a new, positive and empowering habit that would lead me to feeling courageous, motivated and clear based on a formula by the author and speaker — Dr Robert Anthony. I decided to replace my negative worry habit with “the gratitude habit.” I did this based on a daily “praxis” prescribed to me by Dr Anthony and by researching work by positive psychology academics who have discovered proof that “gratitude” has a positive effect on health and wellness for months following using it – even if you make a gratitude list for just one week!I have published in a special report and workbook which you can download below called “The Gratitude Book” along with accompanying “Applying The Gratitude Habit” hypnotic gratitude MP3 audio…The below material provides you with a way that you too can breakthrough into new and more powerful ways of thinking, perceiving and behaving…Do you want to take action and form a habit of gratitude that brings you awareness of abundance abundance, increased joy, satisfaction and happiness on a daily basis?”What if a daily gratitude habit could improve well-being, increase abundance, heal and give more pleasure in relationships and much more?”A message from Mr Jorj Elprehzleinn:Hi Sam,My story about gratitude is that I have discovered that thankyou is a magic word. That it does not matter if someone says youare welcome. Because thank you has a magic all its own. I Iearned the importance of thank you by studying manifesting. In studying about manifesting real life things and situations with thought power. I discovered that what is more important to me than imagining, is receiving and enjoying and living with the materialization of what I imagine. When what I once imagined arrives into material reality, thank you is the best way I can handle the stunning effect of having one again experienced the vast mystery of the universe at work. Thank you helps me to relax and believe and play and receive, it completes mymanifestation. IT is my check mark that says to the divine creator, YES, I GOT IT!! You are so wonderful. Thank you.Jorj ElprehzleinnAuthor of “The Life Transformation Formula Z”See TESTIMONIAL (all testimonials are real, verifiable and on file): Hi Sam,This is Stewart Alexander from alittlegratitude.comI wanted to share a few words about your ebook and course 21 Days to Abundance.Fantastic piece of work on the topic of gratitude. I really had a great time reading through it.Gratitude has played an integral role in my own life. I live a life full of gratitude – every morning when I wake up I live in a state of gratitude and it has absolutely changed my life around 100%.One of the best things I like about your book is I could see you’ve spent a lot of time researching the topic of gratitude. You haven’t just gone along with the status quo or requoted/rehashed “The Secret.” So this has been a refreshing experience all around.I’ve started with the excercises – something new for me and look forward to reporting back results.Thanks very much and all the best. I’m really grateful to have picked up your book and read through it.I’d highly recommend this book to anyone else who comes across it.Have a great day,Stewart Alexander When you order the 100% guaranteed “The Gratitude Book” downloadable ebook today, you will also receive a 30 minute MP3 recording of “Gratitude In Action Hypnosis Audio” by the author.This will help you to integrate gratitude in to your daily life and assist you in finding experiences in your life for which you could feel grateful. This is included in your package today.Here is your “no questions asked” 100% iron-clad money back guarantee…This special report and ebook comes with a 100% iron-clad money back guarantee. Use the information contained in the special report and ebook for a full 21 days as suggested. If you do not obtain measurable results in your life from your new habit of gratitude, you can ask for your money back in full within 30 days of purchase. I guarantee 100% of your money back. You know what you will receive – a well researched 35+ page report and workbook in ebook format ready to read on your computer or print out as desired. To order, simply left click the “ORDER NOW” link below to be taken to the SSI secured clickbank online marketplace server for “The Gratitude Book” that will empower and inspire you…100% Guaranteed!
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