Sam Biser – Secrets of the Last-Chance Clinic
Sam Biser – Secrets of the Last-Chance Clinic
[3 DVDs – Rips, 1 ebook – PDF]
This new exclusive material is part of the Sam Biser – Secrets of the Last-Chance Clinic group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: of the Last-Chance ClinicAuthor: Sam BiserPublished: 2010Description: 3 – DVDs ripped to .AVI, 1 PDF of 63 page manual scanned with OCR & bookmarks added.In his last-chance clinic, he used the latest scientific research on plant chemicals—then he combined it with old herbal methods perfected and documented over the last 350 years. These methods fell out of favor in today’s era of just ‘pop-an-herbal-capsule’ and somehow expect to get the same results.As he told Sandra and I…“It just doesn’t work like that.”So I asked, “What on earth did you do different to get herbs to work as fast and as strong as drugs—to relieve people’s misery?” His surprising answer—“FIRST, YOU HAVE TO use herbs in their fresh, natural state—like fresh food.“Second, you have to easily release the active chemicals from an herb, so your body can use them. And, depending on the herb, I use either water, alcohol, apple cider vinegar or olive oil, because…“The right liquid releases the right chemicals. And it happens in minutes.“Third, there are organ-specific herbs to target every sick part of your body—just like a drug does.” What’s more…From years of experience, he discovered how there’s just one or two herbs (out of hundreds) that work best for each organ or part of the body that’s sick.Not a single one of these organ-specific herbs is some rare, Rainforest herb that costs an arm and a leg. Fortunately, God put everything you need right under your nose: in your own grocery store, easy-to-get or easy-to-grow, and for pennies—because no-one should ever have to spend their days suffering with an unsolvable health problem. And thank goodness… All of this was SO easy. Yet other healers were not doing it. He did, and as he told us…“That’s how I was able to cure people others could not.”Sandra was just flipped out. She told me, “All you had to do was watch this guy do these things just once—and anyone could do it themselves, even if they never touched an herb in their life.” So, with cameras rolling, we filmed the medical herbalist in our kitchen—revealing what you, the public, does not know.I call it Secrets of the Last-Chance Clinic—a 3-DVD Collection, with a printed Insider’s Guide. It’s for people who want to cure themselves—at home, with simple things anyone can do. As you watch these DVD’s, your heart will swell with confidence because…NOW, LIKE THOUSANDS OF other people, you too will be able to do any of these things (in minutes) for yourself, or for someone you’ve longed to help, but just didn’t know how.• Let’s start by getting cheery. Your brain is already hard-wired to release happiness chemicals called endorphins when this brain herb (not ginkgo) hits special ‘vanilloid’ receptors in your tongue. Depression lifts without ‘ugly’ drug side-effects.• Damaged heart not responding to drugs or natural supplements like you want? How the medical herbalist used this heart herb—a ‘backyard berry’ (with specific therapeutic doses) to keep heart patients out of operating rooms. He said this helped an injured heart “survive on less blood and less oxygen.”• Shakes, tremors? Use the only nerve herb that contains 14 plant chemicals called alkaloids—with nitrogen in them. Release these chemicals with apple cider vinegar. It tells nerves & muscles to “relax and stop shaking.” So strong, the medical herbalist has seen it stop seizures.• Kidneys need restoring? How to change your life with this kidney/bladder herb—a berry from a common evergreen. It has one plant chemical to keep the urinary area clean and disinfected. Another chemical restores your power to make and hold urine.• The top lung herb was called ‘asthma weed’ years ago. Soak a towel in a tea of it, then put it on your chest to send strong chemicals into lungs, to fix tissue damage from asthma to pneumonia.• Does someone you love either have a bedsore or wound drugs haven’t healed? Use this skin herb and release its strong chemicals when made into a paste with warm water. It commands skin: “Start knitting together.”• Inhale the potent vapors of this hormone-balancing herb—by stuffing it into a pillowcase, and while you’re sleeping, your body will absorb hormone chemicals—to stop sleep-wrecking hot-flashes. New research calls it ‘medicine for menopause.’• This pain herb is considered ‘sacred’ by Native Americans. And—across the ocean, up in the damp, icy Scottish Highlands, they use this instead of drugs for the terrible joint pains of bursitis and inflammatory arthritis.• You may not need laser eye surgery—when you use these easy-to-make eye drops—with an eye herb first used by famous herbalist Nicholas Culpepper in 1653. He said it, “helps all infirmities of the eye that cause dimness of sight.” The medical herbalist modernized these drops, to make them more effective.• Taking blood thinners every day to reduce the risk of blood clots? How to get maximum power out of the blood herb. James Duke, Ph.D., former director of the USDA Medicinal Plants Laboratory—lists the herb as being like an A.C.E. inhibitor, a drug used to reduce blood pressure and treat congestive heart failure.• Heal long-term colitis with the cell-repair chemicals of this bowel herb. Stop intestinal irritation and bleeding.• Then there’s the anti-infection herb so strong (it’s not garlic), and it was used centuries ago in ancient Mayan medicine. Recently, scientists at Ohio University found it inhibited bacteria known to be primary invaders in a number of diseases and system-wide infections.As a journalist, I’ve seen this over and over from interviewing my readers all these years. I’ve watched dedicated believers in natural healing, once and for all, put their health problems behind them—and get on with the life they were meant to enjoy. You can too, with my 3-DVD Collection, Secrets of the Last-Chance Clinic and it’s Insider’s Guide.This Insider’s Guide has the same detailed written instructions and ‘inside info’ the medical herbalist wrote-out (from 25 years of experience)—and sent home with each patient for whatever was wrong with them.The web site for this material is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to fangshi for starting this group buy and to everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen
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