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Sam Horn – Tongue Fu!: Deflect, Disarm, & Diffuse Any Verbal Conflict

Tongue Fu! – Sam Horn.pdf
[1 eBook – 1 PDF]


Would you like to know what to do and say when:* people are being unfair, unkind or inappropriate?* you have to say no or give bad news?* someone is blaming you for something that’s not your fault?* customers are complaining?* co-workers are gossiping and spreading untrue rumors?* kids are out of control?* your boss or spouse is a bully?* you’re about to lose your cool and say something you’d regret?If you answered yes to any of the above questions; you’re in the right place.Isn’t it ironic? We’re taught math, science and history in school -we’re not taught how to deal with difficult individuals – withoutbecoming one ourselves. We’re not taught how to keep rude, angry,aggressive people from ruining our day (life)!In these stressful times, it’s more important than ever to learn howto think before we speak so our communications lead to cooperation,not conflict.This book introduces EXACTLY what to say and do when dealing withpeople who are upset, unreasonable or not treating you with therespect you want, need and deserve. It also teaches how to modelgracious, diplomatic, pro-active communication so people are motivatedto respond in kind.Discover for yourself why Tongue Fu!® has been taught around the worldfor hundreds of organizations including NASA,Boeing and the U.S.Embassy in London, and why it’s been featured or favorably reviewed inInvestors Business Daily, Readers Digest, Foreign Service Journal,Publishers Weekly and Washington Post.Never be tongue-tied or tongue-twisted again.With Tongue Fu!®, you’ll learn how to stand up for yourself and holdbullies accountable for their unacceptable behavior. And, you’ll learnhow to turn resistance into rapport so you get along better with justabout anyone, anytime, anywhere.Editorial ReviewsFrom Library JournalThe purpose of Kung Fu, the Chinese art of self-defense, is to fend off physical attacks. According to professional speaker and consultant Horn, the purpose of Tongue Fu, a spoken form of self-defense, is to guard against psychological attacks. Dealing with difficult people is a part of everyday life. However, by focusing on real-life responses to verbal challenges instead of theories and platitudes, the author has delivered a convenient handbook for the mental martial art of verbal self-protection. Divided into four sections, the book offers techniques and skills for responding thoughtfully in conflicts, expressing honest feelings and goals, seeking cooperation in difficult situations, and living a life of value during trying times. Each of the 30 chapters offers examples that demonstrate the expected goals and acquired skills in action. Despite its suggestively prurient title, Horn’s book is a lively, positive guide that can be returned to time and again. A popular title for all public library collections.David R. Johnson, Fayetteville P.L., Ark.Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.ReviewControl how to respond to criticism and how to direct arguments and negative communications through Horn’s deft explanations of the fine art of ‘tongue fu’. This gives plenty of case history examples on how to deflect and defuse any verbal conflict, presenting ‘action plans’ for changing both individual and group communications patterns. An intriguing, positive approach. — Midwest Book ReviewHardcover: 256 pagesPublisher: St. Martin’s Press; 1st edition (January 15, 1996)…


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