Sam Zatiff – Silver dental fillings the toxic time bomb
Sam Ziff – Silver dental fillings the toxic timebomb.pdf
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Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the Holistic Dentistry Archive -Mercury Amalgam Detoxification and alternatives Group BuyGB Status OPENGB Thread HEREUPLOAD LIST – HERE Silver Dental Fillings: The Toxic Timebomb: Can the Mercury in Your Dental Fillings Poison You? Sam Ziff (Author) Mercury is the third most toxic substance known to science, after arsenic and lead.Mercury leaches out of amalgam ALL of the time atlevels which are toxicologically relevant.The World Health Organization has estimated the daily absorbed dose of mercury from amalgam, as beingten times higher than all other sources combined, including seafood!Amalgam does not cause a ‘specific’ disease. It is thesource of mercury which poisons the body and causesa wide range of illnesses and symptoms.These early symptoms include; Fatigue – physical and mental Lack of initiative Loss of short term memory Lack of concentration Poor to no decision making ability Irrational obsession Compulsions Timidity & lack of self confidence Grave depression Rapid mood changes, Sudden anger Unexplainable fear of death Hallucinations Shyness and timidity Tendency to isolation Suicidal This is a significant and shocking expose of one of the greatest health dangers of our time. The amalgam used to fill teeth is 40 to 50 percent mercury, a known poison. This book explains how mercury migrates from the teeth into the body, affecting our overall health in a dramatic manner. This groundbreaking book includes the following topics and questions: mercury in medicine and dentistry; the history of mercury in medicine; the arguments for and against; Do we really have electricity in our mouths? measurement of mercury in the urine; How long does it stay in the body? Mercury in the body, where does it go? Does Mercury cause any changes in our tissues and organs? Does Mercury cause psychiatric and behavioural changes? and, micromercurialism, signs and symptoms. This pioneering book is written in a clear, straightforward manner, ideal for the layman and professional who want to become aware of the body of information currently available on mercury toxicity from dental amalgams. Then, informed, each individual can draw his own conclusions.Publication Date: September 1, 1985 | ISBN-10: 0943358248 | ISBN-13: 978-0943358246Thanks to MeMeMe for adding this to the GB PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS GB Thread TIMES – TBD
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