Sathya Mohan – Past Life Therapy
Sathya Mohan – Past Life Therapy
[18 MP4s]
Very powerful and informative series ! enjoy !1 – INTRODUCTIONThis educational tv series is about past life therapy as practiced by modern psychiatrists. A significant number of researchers across the globe have found out conclusively that profound healing and transformation always accompanied past-life-recall. This led to the evolution of past life regression as a powerful tool for therapy and transformation. In his past life regression and spiritual science workshop, Dr.K.Newton,MD takes us on an amazing journey into our inner consciousness. In this introductory episode, he introduces the laws of karma and reincarnation.2 – ENERGY BEINGS.We are all energy beings. Flowing within the bounderies of our physical body as energy-in-motion is that which we commonly refer to as e-motion! Originating from an undeterminable source, our spirit condenses into a physical body in stages. From the subtlest form which is consciousness itself, it begins to slow down its vibration – becoming slower and denser progressively – till it appears as the physical body. There are, therefore, several levels of existence to us. In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton,MD examines the seven bodies in us and explains chakras in relation to kundalini energy, the evolution of consciousness and the age of the soul.3 – YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITYThe source divided into many and the sparks of consciousness entered into reincarnation cycle. We are all multidimensional beings experiencing duality in a forgetful and remembrance game by entering into a lower vibrational plane in 3D. In this episode of the past life therapy tv series, Dr.K.Newton,MD examines the cycle of birth and death, conscious and sub-conscious mind, conditioning, karmic baggage, filters of perception, brain rhythms and the various techniques (hypnotic and non-hypnotic) of past-life-recall.4 – CLUES TO YOUR PAST LIVES.In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton examines various evidences of past lives in our daily lives. Synchronistic experiences, deja vu, love or hate at first sight, obsessions and compulsions, child prodigies, our preferences and tastes, physical reactions, recurring patterns, sensations, emotions, dreams, visions and various other clues to our past lives are explained.5 – DREAMS.In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton,MD examines lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, astral travel, types of dreams and how to interpret them.6 – ARCHETYPAL PATTERNS.In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton,MD examines the five main ‘character structures’ (schizoid, oral, masochist, psychopath, and rigid). The underlying fear structure, emotional charge, defense system and source experiences in the past are explained in detail.7 – HEALTH.Consciousness heals. In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton explains various aspects of health and healing. In order to identify the root-cause of an illness, we have to track down our physical condition by going beyond the body through the subtler levels of emotions and thoughts and identify the belief that brought it on. Healing can only come from the core of consciousness. The process of healing can never be complete if it has not been done from journey within the self.8 – REGRESSION.In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.G.V.Lakshmi conducts the session of regression into past lives in order to comprehend the root-causes of our relationship problems. The participants are guided step-by-step through the process of journeying within. This session gives a picture of how a regression therapy is conducted.9 – RAPID INDUCTION.In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, the method of rapid induction is described and demonstrated. This method works for the people who are predominantly intellectual and less intuitive. The subject is generally led into semi-trance instantly which helps the unconscious contents to come to the surface in order to facilitate healing.10 – PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION.In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, the method of progressive relaxation is demonstrated. This method takes the subject into deep trance where even cellular memory is tapped in order to recall past lives and also in-between-life states. The subject is finally asked to review the past and learn lessons from previous experiences.11 – BRIDGE TECHNIQUE.In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton,MD deals with the various non-hypnotic bridge techniques in general and the visual bridge technique in particular. Bridge techniques are very widely used in modern psychiatry.12 – RELIEVING AND FORGIVING.The purpose of past life therapy is to relive the traumatic experiences of the past which caused illnesses. Reliving is relieving. In therapy, it is very important to review the past from not only an enlightened perspective but also to forgive the people involved in order to break pathological repetitive karmic patterns which block the freedom of the individual.13 – RE BIRTHING.Breathing connects us to the universe. In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton,MD demonstrates how a regression session could connect a subject not only to the earliest phases of one’s existence but also to the enlightened spirits and their messages.14 – PROGRESSION.The purpose of any regressive therapy is to make a subject progress into a higher realm of consciousness. In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton,MD demonstrates how a subject could progress in order to connect to the higher consciousness. In this session, entire group of the participants was affected by the insights derived from the subject of the session.15 – BREATH WORK.Breath work is used as a method in past life regression therapy. In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton,MD narrates various techniques of breathing and the associated symptoms of regression in healing process.16 – RE BIRTHING BREATH WORK.In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton,MD demonstrates how a subject could take a rebirth through breathing practices. Reliving of the deep emotional states could relieve the subject completely.17 – AFFIRMATIONAL BREATHING.Parental disapproval syndrome breeds a sense of inadequacy among individuals. In this episode of the tv series on past life therapy, Dr.K.Newton demonstrates how a subject could overcome her limitations through affirmational breathing practices.
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