Scott ‘Bam Bam’ Sullivan – Escapes & Counters
Scott ‘Bam Bam’ Sullivan – Escapes & Counters
[5 MP4s, 1 PNG]
Scott Sullivan is the author of numerous martial arts instructional videos, is the owner and chief instructor of Bam Bam Martial Arts in Houston, TX., and is an experienced MMA trainer and BJJ black belt.Scott has acquired years of techniques and grappling knowledge and this set entitled ”Escapes and Counters” is his preferred system for countering the most common grappling attacks. Here is what you will learn in this series:Volume 1: Choke DefensesBeing able to get out of a choke is a big deal – because being caught in a choke is a big deal.This series of defenses against chokes will help you conquer and deal with the most commonly seen chokes.This DVD will give you the technique, but its up to you to practice! LEARN THEM RIGHT AND LEARN THEM WELL! You should know these moves so well you can do them in your sleep. If you have to think about it you don’t know it well enough. If you are not 100% sure and confident you know how to do them – you don’t know them well enough.Volume 2: Kesa, North-South, and Knee on Belly EscapesBeing pinned down in a kesa gatame, north-south position, or knee on the belly is no fun at all.To be held down and “controlled” where one is not allowed to get up and move can be a very humiliating position to be in.What can make things worse is if you are being held down in a relatively “unorthodox” way – that is not by a common sidecontrol but by one of the specialty positions from jiu jitsu or judo.Regardless, every martial artist needs a set of escapes from these positions in his or her “martial toolbox”.Volume 3: Leg Lock EscapesLEGLOCKS HAVE BEEN CALLED “THE GREAT EQUALIZER” IN GRAPPLING.Leglocks can come on FAST, FROM A VARIETY OF POSITIONS, AND QUICKLY THREATEN SERIOUS INJURY EVEN TO EXPERIENCED GRAPPLERS.Its a sad truth that many grappling programs ignore leglock attacks, but an even worse error is to IGNORE leglock defenses.Don’t let this happen to your training program – leglocks are serious business and they need to be treated with respect.ANY SERIOUS MARTIAL ARTIST THESE DAYS CANNOT IGNORE LEGLOCK DEFENSES in this day and age. You should familiarize yourself with the various ways to counter the heel hook, kneebar, and footlock so that you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim to one of these moves!Volume 4: Mount and Side Control EscapesHaving a person sitting on your chest (and punching?) can be one of the most HUMILIATING and VULNERABLE positions to be in.Its hard to imagine a worse position to be in.Getting “stuck on the bottom” is surely the worst place to be in a fight.Being pinned in side control is bad too. Who wants to be held down and at the mercy of the top guy? Who wants to have to “ask” to be let up and released?Any way you look at it, being controlled in this way is hardly a position of dominance and definitely something you want to prevent at all costs!Volume 5: Submission EscapesYOUR ARE TOTALLY SCREWING UP YOUR TRAINING if you don’t regularly practice how to get out of the various submission locks used in jiu jitsu, shooto, and other types of combative grappling.Even if you are a striker and primarily a “stand up fighter” you are fooling yourself if you think you can get by without learning how to get out of various submission attacks.You are also FOOLING YOURSELF if you rely solely on the “I’ll just bite him or punch his groin to escape” tactic. The fact is that a better grappler can bite you too – and from a better position. You’d better be sure you can prevent this sort of counter if you “raise the stakes” by biting your attacker.Better to have a system of proven defenses against the various submission locks, and that’s what we have for you right here.
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