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Scott Sonnon – Flow Fit II

Scott Sonnon – Flow Fit II [DVDRip]
[1 DVD – Rip]


t-nation interview with Scott Sonnon you’re a fitness enthusiast looking for a good workout, a martial artist, or just an ordinary person that occasionally trips on a curb, this DVD is for you. Sonnon takes movements that are useful for (as he puts it) “engaging the ground” and weaves them into a self-contained, scalable workout. Martial artists will find that these movements go against some of what they’ve learned about breakfalls. I’m not going to attempt to tell you how this way is better than your martial art’s techniques, but try it and see for yourself. Breakfall moves designed for mats don’t always translate well to concrete, and there are other approaches that may prove more fruitful.Although the material is particularly useful for martial artists, the DVD is not particularly addressed to them. A fitness enthusiast with no interest in martial arts will still find a killer workout, and the chance to train some movements that are really useful in everyday life at the same time. Next time you trip over the curb, you may be surprised (and very pleased!) at what happens next.One cautionary note is in order here. Since this is FlowFit II, some viewers may find that going back to the original FlowFit DVD is a better starting point. However, I think most will be able to put this to good use right out of the box.


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